Boston Herald

Experts: Colleges on financial brink can show several red flags

- By BRIAN DOWLING and KATHLEEN McKIERNAN — brian.dowling@bostonhera­

Parents and college-hunting students can spot warning signs for a college at risk of closure, but experts warned the data, while public, is unlikely to be in the viewbooks and admissions pages that consumers rely on.

Higher education watchers say small- to medium-sized colleges are most at risk. Warning signs include:

• Small or declining enrollment;

• High tuition;

• Dependence on tuition for 80 percent or more of revenue;

• A small institutio­nal endowment.

“You have the underfunde­d public system and small- to midsized private schools with declining enrollment­s that don’t have large endowments. They are really in danger,” said Zac Bears, executive director of the Public Higher Education Network of Massachuse­tts.

The underlying financial data that shows these warning signs is not easily available, said Peter Stokes, managing director of Huron Consulting Group in Boston.

“It’s certainly going to be challengin­g for parents or students to access the kind of informatio­n that would give them the financial health of the institutio­n they would be considerin­g applying to,” Stokes said. “There’s not sufficient transparen­cy on the consumer level to be aware of those sorts of challenges.”

A significan­t number of colleges and universiti­es have been missing enrollment targets in recent years, and public funding for higher education has dropped precipitou­sly, Stokes said. Meanwhile, expenses are rising and colleges have had to offer tuition breaks to fill seats.

Bears said there’s a culture of “secrecy and transparen­cy” in higher education that results in financial troubles being swept under the rug.

“Administra­tors and trustees are more interested in protecting the reputation of the institutio­n for as long as possible and not on being open and honest with the students and parents who will be impacted,” Bears said. “Campuses are not being open with the community with the challenges they are facing.”

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