Boston Herald

Deciding whether ex-wife should attend graduation


My wife abandoned me and our three children 15 years ago. They were 8, 7 and 5 when she left. My two oldest are graduating college — one with a master’s degree and the other with a four-year degree in communicat­ions. Out of the blue, my wife contacts me last week and says she wants to come to their graduation­s. The kids have all been to therapy and have not mentioned her in years, and I don’t know what to do. Should I tell them? Should I let her come? What’s good ex-etiquette?

Some would tell you to tell her no — she made her bed — and others would tell you that forgivenes­s is the answer and welcome her back with open arms. You’ve speculated why their mom left, but it appears there’s no clear-cut answer — and that could play a role in the decision to tell or not to tell. Thank goodness your children have gone to therapy and have worked through some of the pain, but their confrontin­g mom could bring them full circle and help them address any issues they still might have with her leaving. Since your children are adults, my suggestion is to let them make the decision. Give them as much informatio­n as you have and let them follow-up in the way they see fit. It no longer has to be your decision to make — it’s between her and your children.

However, this suggestion is only for this particular problem and for adult children. Parents who feel they must fill their younger children in on every gory detail of their other parent’s behavior may be doing their children a disservice. It could very well contribute to emotional instabilit­y and undermine their security.

This is when parents say, “You want me to lie to my child?” Not as a general rule, but there are ways to present informatio­n that will not traumatize your kids — and before you say anything, consider your motivation for telling them in the first place. Are you saying something because it’s helpful informatio­n or are you telling them because you’re so angry you want to hurt your spouse? Don’t use your kids as a weapon to hurt others. (Ex-etiquette for parents rules Nos. 1, 5 and 6: “Put the children first,” “Don’t be spiteful” and “Don’t hold grudges.”) Revenge is not that sweet when you’ve wounded your children in the process.

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