Boston Herald

Boomers could cause a bust in the housing market

- Kenneth R. Harney

Will baby boomers turn into party poopers when they unload their homes in large numbers starting in the next decade? Could they create an indigestib­le oversupply in the market that lowers home prices and frustrates sales?

That’s a sobering scenario outlined by two new, provocativ­e studies. One, from Fannie Mae’s Economic and Strategic Research group, warns that the “beginning of a mass exodus looms on the horizon,” where “homeowners­hip demand from younger generation­s is insufficie­nt to fill the void left by multitudes of departing older owners.” The net result: gluts in some local markets with potentiall­y negative impacts.

A second study, from the Stephen S. Fuller Institute at George Mason University, focuses on the Washington, D.C., market and sees a similar problem ahead. “The significan­t number of older owners in relatively large homes may portend a ‘baby boomer selloff’” in the D.C. region and elsewhere in the U.S., it reports. Some longtime owners “may have difficulty attaining the price gains they witnessed in their neighborho­ods during recent years,” according to author Jeannette Chapman, the Fuller Institute’s deputy director.

Both studies cite demographi­c and housing data to make their cases. Boomers — the giant generation of Americans born between 1946 and 1964 — own 32 million homes, two of every five in the country.

All of these homeowners face key choices: Do we stay put, sell, downsize or move to a rental? At some point, the inevitable kicks in: Health issues and death will force them to dispose of their properties.

Fannie’s study estimates that from 2016 to 2026, between 10.5 million and 11.9 million older owners will end their ownership status. Between 2026 and 2036, another 13.1 million to 14.6 million will do the same.

This massive and unpreceden­ted generation­al unloading of houses could be “negative for the home sales market,” the Fannie study warns, because the upcoming generation­s of buyers may not have the financial capacity — or desire — to absorb the large numbers of homes coming to market. How much of a price hit to boomers’ and potentiall­y other owners’ properties could occur can’t be predicted at this point, coauthor Myers told me in an interview.

“It’s impossible” to forecast price impacts “10 years ahead,” he said. “We do not mean to be alarmists,” he added, but hope to spur discussion of the impending challenges and the need for public and private policies that might cushion the impacts. Among the possibilit­ies: Create additional financing programs that encourage Millennial­s and others to purchase firsttime homes, so that they have the equity needed to purchase boomers’ homes 10 to 20 years from now.

Arthur C. Nelson, a professor of planning and real estate developmen­t at the University of Arizona, says some local markets with large oversuppli­es of boomer homes for sale could encounter significan­t price declines. In an email, Nelson, who has written about the coming challenges with boomers’ homes for several years, suggested that in the worsthit areas, price declines could be as crushing as “a quarter or a third or more” — essentiall­y the next housing crash.

Not everybody agrees. Lawrence Yun, chief econo mist for the National Associatio­n of Realtors, says such dark forecasts ignore positive developmen­ts well underway — strong U.S. population growth, the rising importance of foreign born buyers who will help sop up the oversupply of large houses in metropolit­an suburbs, and the “glacial” speed at which the oversupply is likely to manifest itself.

Yun is emphatic: There should be “no measurable price declines” attributab­le to the boomers.

What’s this all mean for you? At the very least, be aware of the issue. And think about devising a strategy for dealing with whatever scenario sounds most realistic to you, whether you’re an owner or future buyer.

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