Boston Herald

Dog’s test results call for more tests


QOur 12-year-old Bichon has developed over the past two years what we considered to be typical older dog changes, such as cloudy eyes, trouble getting up and down the stairs, a pot belly and little growths popping up all over her body. Our vet recommende­d some bloodwork, telling us that the dog could have some hormonal issues. She called to say that the blood looked pretty normal with a few small variations but most significan­tly that our dog had an elevated bilirubin and that further testing was advisable. What might be going on and should we be concerned? What is bilirubin? A

Bilirubin, while considered a way to test liver function, is really used as a means of diagnosing liver disease of different types, gall bladder issues and such diseases as leptospiro­sis, hemobarton­ella and hemolytic anemia. There are two primary types of bilirubin, conjugated (or direct) and unconjugat­ed (or indirect). As a general rule, bilirubin is produced from the breakdown of red blood cells due to age or the breakdown of some liver proteins. If bilirubin gets too high, one may see jaundice in a patient. The elevation in bilirubin needs to be broken down to determine which diagnostic direction one needs to pursue.

Since you did not mention that your dog has anemia, which can lead to an increase in the unconjugat­ed form, I will presume that your dog has an elevation in the conjugated form. This happens typically if there is an obstructio­n to the flow of bile. This can involve the gall bladder, the bile duct or the liver itself and warrants further evaluation. This might start with an abdominal ultrasound to pinpoint the problem, a test for bile acids and more. Treatment will depend on the specific cause and may include antibiotic­s, steroids, supplement­s, surgery, dietary changes and more. Don’t be frightened at this time. Your dog has gotten test results that may well allow you to address a developing problem early on, and I am sure your veterinari­an will steer you in the right direction. She has thus far.

 ??  ?? Got a question for Dr. John? Send it to askthevet@ bostonhera­
Got a question for Dr. John? Send it to askthevet@ bostonhera­

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