Boston Herald

Gaming disorder can disrupt players’ lives


What is gaming disorder? How can you tell if a child might have this condition, rather than just being a kid who likes playing video games?

Gaming disorder goes beyond having a passion for video games. It’s a pattern of addictive behavior in which playing digital or video games is the highest priority in a person’s life. Gaming disorder interferes with an individual’s daily routines, and it has an effect on mental and physical well-being.

The World Health Organizati­on recently recognized gaming disorder as a mental health condition. Although the diagnostic manual for the American Psychiatri­c Associatio­n does not consider it an official disorder, it recommends that gaming disorder be studied further. Its symptoms, as identified by WHO, include impaired control over gaming; gaming taking precedence over other interests and activities to the extent that it results in impaired function or distress; and gaming behavior continuing despite negative consequenc­es.

There are several red flags to look for if you’re concerned your child may have gaming disorder. Has your child withdrawn from sports, clubs or other activities that don’t involve video games? Does most of your child’s in- teraction with other people involve online gaming communitie­s? Has your child’s school performanc­e declined as his or her interest in gaming has grown? Does gaming occupy most of your child’s free time? Do video games disrupt your child’s sleep pat- terns? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, your child’s gaming behav- ior could be developing into gaming disorder.

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