Boston Herald

Senator will dump Mass. to serve her ambition

- Adriana COHEN Adriana Cohen is a nationally syndicated columnist and Herald Radio host. Go to adrianacoh­

U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren has now confirmed what Bay State voters have long known — she’s just been using us as a stepping stone to higher office.

Need proof? Scott Brown’s former nemesis just announced she’s going to “take a hard look” at running for president right after the November election. You know, the one where’s she’s running against Geoff Diehl for U.S. Senate here in Massachuse­tts. At a town hall event on Saturday, Warren told the crowd, “Time’s up. It’s time for women to go to Washington and fix our broken government, and that includes a woman at the top. So here’s what I promise: After Nov. 6, I will take a hard look at running for president.”

Translatio­n: If elected to a second term as U.S. senator she’ll “date” Massachuse­tts but won’t put a ring on it.

Warren’s keeping her options open — and so should Massachuse­tts voters come Election Day — especially since her Republican challenger Geoff Diehl has pledged that if given the opportunit­y to serve in the U.S. Senate he’ll commit to serving the full six-year term.

Warren’s latest statements reveal her true intentions: It was never about us.

It was about raking in big bucks hawking her various memoirs. Grabbing headlines trashing the president to appeal to her far-left base, a base that cares more about coddling criminal illegal immigrants and abolishing ICE than giving Judge Brett Kavanaugh, Trump’s Supreme Court Justice nominee, a fair shake. Warren insists we should “believe women” regarding any and all allegation­s involving sexual assault and misconduct regardless of the evidence — or lack thereof.

All while causing Massachuse­tts voters to ponder “What have you done for me lately?”

Since taking the reins from former U.S. Sen. Scott Brown in 2012, Warren’s most notable achievemen­t has been grandstand­ing before the cameras and then fundraisin­g off it to advance her plans to — you guessed it — leave Massachuse­tts in the dust. Love ’em and leave ’em. In millennial speak Warren has now given voters a heads up she maybe “ghosting” us right after the election, raising the prospect of yet another unnecessar­y special election to fill her vacancy should she actually win. With 36 days until we choose between the two candidates, voters should ask themselves this: Is my life and my family’s life better off today because of anything Sen. Warren has done?

Or has Warren spent more time in Washington and jetsetting around the nation over the past six years to fuel her own ambitions while failing to serve her constituen­ts?

Thoughts to consider as one enters the voting booth on Nov. 6.

 ?? AP PHOTO ?? OPTIONS OPEN: U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren has said she will consider a run for president after the November vote on her re-election.
AP PHOTO OPTIONS OPEN: U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren has said she will consider a run for president after the November vote on her re-election.
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