Boston Herald

GOP’s path to broaden appeal for 2020

- By RAMESH PONNURU Ramesh Ponnuru is a syndicated columnist.

Disappoint­ed after the midterm elections, Republican­s are trying to decide which voters should be the party’s top priority.

In recent elections, they have been losing votes from white college graduates, often in the suburbs, while gaining votes from whites without college degrees. Should Republican­s go further down the road of working-class populism, perhaps trying to expand its appeal beyond white voters? Or should they try to reverse their losses among suburban moderates?

Eric Cantor, a Republican and former House majority leader, puts his emphasis on winning back the college-educated voters, especially women, who have recently defected. He recommends that his party push to make paid maternity leave more available and child care more affordable to appeal to these voters.

The conservati­ve political analysts Henry Olsen and Reihan Salam, however, argue that Republican­s would be better off trying to build on their gains among working-class voters, especially those who went from supporting Barack Obama in 2012 to supporting Donald Trump in 2016, via policies such as wage subsidies and immigratio­n control.

Olsen and Salam both say, however, that the party would ideally win over more voters of both types. It’s that point I’ll emphasize here: Republican­s should not think of this strategic choice as a stark one.

It may, for one thing, be possible to promote policies that make Republican­s more appealing to both groups. Cantor pitches his ideas for helping parents as a way to regain the support of suburban moderates. But paid leave may be even more appealing to workingcla­ss voters.

A Republican pitch to the working class that addresses this kind of economic concern might also allow the party to pull back a little from the we’re-real-Americansa­nd-you’re-not cultural messaging that alienates many college-educated voters.

If Republican­s do better in 2020 than they did this fall, it will probably be because they improve their performanc­e a bit among both Romney-Clinton and ObamaTrump voters. If Republican­s don’t improve on both fronts, on the other hand, they are unlikely to win a governing majority.

A coalition that includes the suburban defectors, the new populists and traditiona­l conservati­ves would require constant tending by Republican leaders in the best of circumstan­ces. Whether the party’s current leadership is suited to building and maintainin­g it is also, at best, an open question.

Which brings us to another reason Republican­s should not put too much of their mental energy into figuring out whether to target voters with or without college degrees. Whatever individual Republican­s want, the party’s strategy over at least the next two years will largely consist of whatever the president chooses to do and say — and that series of choices is going to be guided more by who he is and what he wants than by any grand theory of the electorate.

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