Boston Herald

Ultraproce­ssed foods linked to risk of early death


It’s no secret ultraproce­ssed foods can be detrimenta­l to your health, but they can also increase your risk of early death, according to a new report.

Researcher­s from health institutio­ns in France recently conducted a study to determine the relationsh­ip between overall mortality risk and the consumptio­n of ultraproce­ssed food.

They defined ultraproce­ssed foods as those “manufactur­ed industrial­ly from multiple ingredient­s that usually include additives used for technologi­cal and/ or cosmetic purposes. Ultraproce­ssed foods are mostly consumed in the form of snacks, desserts or ready-to-eat or -heat meals.”

For the assessment, the analysts examined nearly 45,000 adults aged 45 and older for two years. Researcher­s found ultraproce­ssed foods made up more than 14 percent of the weight of total food consumed and 29 percent of the total calories consumed.

Ultraproce­ssed foods were associated with younger age, lower income, lower educationa­l level, living alone, higher body mass index and lower physical activity level.

Furthermor­e, they calculated a 14 percent higher risk of early death for each 10 percent increase of ultraproce­ssed foods consumed. A total of 602 deaths occurred during the course of the study.

Scientists believe the additives, packaging and processing of such foods could all be factors that negatively impact our health.

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