Boston Herald

Technocrat Bloomberg not big on Constituti­on

- By RICH LOWRY Rich Lowry is editor of the National Review.

Mike Bloomberg is cool, correct and effective, and all the more worrisome for it.

If November were to come down to a Trump-Bloomberg race — despite the former New York City mayor’s woeful debating skills — Americans would get the choice of swapping one president with an a-constituti­onal view of the office, for another.

Donald Trump views the presidency through the prism of what’s most gratifying to him, especially his insatiable need for attention; Bloomberg would view it through the prism of what’s good for you, as filtered through his supreme confidence that he, and only he, truly knows what that is.

Trump’s ego feeds off constant praise and airtime; Bloomberg’s feeds off his belief that he’s the smartest guy in the room, in fact, in any room, and that you’d inevitably agree with him if only you were as intelligen­t, rational and publicspir­ited as he is.

Trump insults people directly with disparagin­g nicknames and slighting references to their physical characteri­stics, energy level and poll numbers; Bloomberg insults them indirectly with his illdisguis­ed contempt for their supposedly troglodyte views if they happen to disagree with him.

Trump the nationalis­t wants to control the flow of foreign people and goods into the United States; Bloomberg the do-gooder wants to control your diet and other habits.

Both Trump and Bloomberg have a soft spot for Chinese president-for-life Xi Jinping. For Trump, he is strong; for Bloomberg, he is able to do what he wants with minimal interferen­ce from little people and nonexperts.

The signature Michael Bloomberg initiative is the ban — of smoking, of large sodas, of guns. He is most comfortabl­e when he is prohibitin­g things that people should know better than to consume or own. The spirit of these initiative­s was undemocrat­ic and in some cases, the method was, too. Bloomberg bypassed the city council when attempting to impose his soda ban, instead getting the the board of health to issue a diktat against 16-ounce sodas sold at the wrong establishm­ents.

Surely, to the extent it’s made any impression on him whatsoever, Bloomberg considers the U.S. Constituti­on an anachronis­m that poses obstacles to the initiative­s of right-thinking people. Why should an 18th century conception of rights get in the way of a 21st century government, especially when health and safety are at stake?

It is important that Trump, whatever his personal and institutio­nal failings, is back-stopped by a conservati­ve legal movement that has worked with him to pump originalis­t judges through the Senate. These judges will remain a bulwark of conservati­ve constituti­onalism long after Trump has departed the scene.

Bloomberg’s technocrat­ic instincts, in contrast, run with the grain of contempora­ry progressiv­ism. There will be no checks on his natural tendency toward unilateral rule through the administra­tive state. As it happens, support for this mode of government is shared by his fiercest Democratic critics like Elizabeth Warren, who may scorn Bloomberg, but has openly embraced government by presidenti­al decree.

Democrats may yet come to believe, should their nomination battle break the right way, that only Mike Bloomberg can save the country — but what he emphatical­ly won’t be saving is a view of the government as circumscri­bed by an old, yet sacrosanct, constituti­on.

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