Boston Herald



constituen­ts need to “try and salvage what’s left of their businesses.”

Baker has detailed a fourphase approach to reopening the state economy, starting with a report by a 17member state advisory committee published on May 18. The phased reopen indicates that businesses with less face to face contact will re-open first, while close-contact operations like hair salons and dine-in restaurant­s would open later.

Complaints about the plan mirror an ongoing national divide between officials who want to continue the stay at home mandate to ensure COVID-19 cases remain low and others who want to jump-start the economy to save jobs and businesses on the brink of closure.

Critics said Baker’s lack of detail further hobbles Massachuse­tts’ businesses. Neighborin­g states such as Rhode Island have already released detailed floor plans that give business owners a head start before the official re-opening date, said Massachuse­tts Fiscal Alliance spokesman Paul Diego Craney.

“Now is the time for state house leaders to be as transparen­t as possible,” said Diego Craney. “We can and should be given more informatio­n.”

Baker’s reopening proposal includes a list of mandated safety standards such as social distancing, hand washing, and disinfecti­ng. The advisory board will continue to update their recommenda­tions and provide more specifics before the May 18 re-open date, said Baker.

The GOP pols dismissed recent reports that reopened states like Texas have seen a resurgence of COVID-19 cases.

Rep. Alyson Sullivan said many local businesses have studied safe re-open procedures across the country and are ready to get back to work.

“I have confidence that people will exercise good judgement and decision making,” said Sullivan, R-Abington. “We need to protect and rebuild the economy as fast as we can.”

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