Boston Herald

Unremarkab­le Ed Markey could make Joe K III a left-over

- Michael GRAHAM Michael Graham is a regular contributo­r to the Boston Herald. Follow him on Twitter @IAmMGraham.

First, imagine being a Kennedy and losing an election.

Then imagine being a Kennedy and losing an election in Massachuse­tts.

Now, imagine being a Kennedy and losing … to Ed Markey.

If Joe P. Kennedy III becomes the first one to pull off this humiliatin­g trifecta, he should be drummed out of the Kennedy clan. In the past, this would have involved the ceremonial confiscati­on of his martini shaker and the burning of his little black book. In the most extreme cases, Kennedys who’ve brought such shame on the family might even be forced into the dreaded private sector. Yes, it’s that bad.

If JPK3 does become the first Kennedy to lose a Massachuse­tts election, it couldn’t happen to a nicer guy. No, seriously. The word from people who’ve worked with the four-term congressma­n is that he’s a pleasant chap, unencumber­ed by the hubris and entitlemen­t of Teddy and the gang.

No wonder the Boston Globe-Democrat didn’t give him their endorsemen­t, the first Kennedy ever denied that sycophanti­c “honor.” The Globe-Democrat had no problem endorsing a lying, drunken coward who left a woman to drown. But not JPK3.

Instead, they’ve thrown their support to the remarkably unremarkab­le Ed Markey, a man whose political legacy could fill a postage stamp. And given how hard he’s worked to kill reforms of the postal service jobs program and keep American taxpayers on the hook, he may very well get that stamp.

Markey entered office the same year Jimmy Carter entered the White House, and with the same grasp of the great political questions of the day: He was wrong about everything.

He supported Carter’s failed “malaise” policies. He opposed Reagan’s successful foreign policy, particular­ly regarding the Soviet Union which, if Markey had prevailed, would still be throwing Jews into its gulags today.

Always a bit of an environmen­tal nut, Markey has gone full-blown crazy with his prized Green New Deal, a plan that is simultaneo­usly extreme and ineffectiv­e. Its own supporters acknowledg­e that it would send your energy bill soaring and put millions in the fields of energy and constructi­on out of work. But, Markey promises, all those jobs will be replaced by making solar panels and windmills.

(Note: The U.S. makes just 10% or so of the world’s windmills, well behind that manufactur­ing powerhouse Denmark. We make just 1% of the world’s solar panels, while China makes more than 70%. So yeah, Ed — good luck with that.)

But why am I wasting data on Ed Markey, a man whose (ahem) intellectu­al modesty is only exceeded by his political poor judgment.

As a result, there is no idea so far-left loony that Ed Markey will not embrace it. Which is why the Boston Globe-Democrat is embracing him.

For all the obsession over Elizabeth Warren’s progressiv­e activism, according to independen­t rankings, Markey is both farther to the left and more partisan than she is. The Progressiv­e Punch website gives him a lifetime progressiv­e ranking of 99%.

In their painfully awkward endorsemen­t (“If the senator from Malden spends a lot of time in Washington, one reason might be that he’s been busy getting legislativ­e proposals passed to improve people’s lives.”) the GlobeDemoc­rat praises Markey’s call for “a new kind of Manhattan Project” to fight COVID-19.

Which is ironic because it’s unlikely Markey would have supported the original Manhattan Project, to end WWII and save hundreds of thousands of American soldiers’ lives by using atomic bombs on Japan.

When I asked the senator’s spokeflak if Markey thinks bombing Hiroshima was a mistake, I never received an answer.

Partisan, progressiv­e and completely on board with any and all left-wing insanity. In the Massachuse­tts of 2020, not even the Kennedy magic can compete with that.

 ?? AP file ?? HAPPIER TIMES: Sens. Ed Markey and Elizabeth Warren, and Rep. Joe Kennedy III, from left, were on the same team when this photo was taken in 2018.
AP file HAPPIER TIMES: Sens. Ed Markey and Elizabeth Warren, and Rep. Joe Kennedy III, from left, were on the same team when this photo was taken in 2018.
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