Boston Herald

Gay marriage backer DiMasi could do much with second chance

- Peter LUCAS

Lobbyist Sal DiMasi’s first client should be the Massachuse­tts Gay and Lesbian Political Caucus.

And that just might happen.

DiMasi, as speaker of the Massachuse­tts House of Representa­tives from 2004 to 2009, arguably did more to advance gay marriage in Massachuse­tts than anyone else, straight or gay

Now, after he was let out of federal prison in 2016 on compassion­ate release — he had been battling cancer — the Massachuse­tts Superior Court earlier this month cleared the way for DiMasi to register as a lobbyist.

“We recognize what an incredible asset he would be for us, or for any organizati­on, absolutely,” Arline Isaacson, co-chair of the Massachuse­tts Gay and Lesbian Political Caucus, said.

Once the darling of liberals, DiMasi hopes to hear from people and organizati­ons who value him and his past service in human rights, health care and the environmen­t.

Judge Robert Gordon’s ruling earlier this month overturned Secretary of State William Galvin’s decision rejecting DiMasi’s applicatio­n to lobby on the grounds that DiMasi had been convicted on federal charges of corruption and extortion charges.

The court decision opens the door for DiMasi, a former lawyer/legislator by training, to make a living doing what he knows best — legislatio­n.

Galvin’s office oversees the registrati­on of lobbyists on Beacon Hill. Galvin served in the House with DiMasi before becoming secretary of state. He is appealing the judge’s decision in order to keep DiMasi from becoming a lobbyist, a move that State House regulars find vengeful.

Should DiMasi prevail, he will become one of more than 1,500 registered lobbyists who are paid to do business on Beacon Hill, which is almost seven times the number of legislator­s in both the House and Senate.

After five rough years in prison, where he and his supporters claim that he was denied adequate medical attention, DiMasi emerged as a prison reformer.

As his health returned, DiMasi, 74, who served as a state representa­tive from the North End for 30 years, asked for “a second chance.” He wanted to return to the

State House to earn a living, this time as a lobbyist, like several other former House speakers and Senate presidents have done in the past.

“Whatever you think I did, I think I’ve paid my debt to society, and I think I can get a second chance to be a contributi­ng citizen so that I can benefit the citizens of Massachuse­tts,” DiMasi said when he first filed his lobbyist applicatio­n.

DiMasi was convicted in 2010 of shaking down a computer firm seeking state contracts. He was sentenced to eight years in prison. There was much more to the case than ever came out, but it is all largely forgotten history now.

What is also history — but should not be forgotten — is the role DiMasi played in paving the way for the legalizati­on of gay marriage in Massachuse­tts, an issue that in 2008 was quite controvers­ial, both in Massachuse­tts and across the country.

It was a time when such progressiv­e Democratic luminaries as Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, both running for president, were opposed to the legalizati­on of gay marriage.

While the Massachuse­tts Supreme Judicial Court, on a controvers­ial four to three vote, legalized same sex marriage in 2003, becoming the first state in the nation to do so, it was still not a done thing.

Opponents of gay marriage — and there were many — moved to get the issue on the ballot for voter ratificati­on. At the time, it appeared that most voters would vote against legalizati­on if it appeared as a question on the 2008 ballot.

To get on the ballot, opponents needed just 50 votes at two successive sessions of the Legislatur­e meeting in joint session — 160 representa­tives and 40 senators. To the surprise of many, the issue got 62 votes at the 2007 joint session, 12 more than needed. The vote struck panic in the gay community.

DiMasi, who was the speaker, called the vote “offensive and deplorable.” He promised to turn the vote around. And he did.

When the issue came up at the second session in 2008, those 62 votes were whittled down to 45, five less than required to get the issue before the voters. It was over.

The last obstacle to the implementa­tion of same sex marriage was removed. Same sex marriage became law, thanks to DiMasi.

“He was our hero,” Isaacson said.

That the voters were never allowed to vote on it? Well, that’s another story.

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