Boston Herald

Children kept in the dark about their great-grandfathe­r’s death

- Dear Abby Columnist — Vexed in Vermont Contact Dear Abby at

DEAR ABBY >> My daughter-in-law, “Brooke,” lost her grandfathe­r five weeks ago. She has chosen not to tell her 4- and 10-yearold kids about it. She has ordered my husband, me and our son not to mention it. The kids see her grandmothe­r at least once a week, and SHE is not supposed to tell them either.

I didn’t know the kids hadn’t been told and I started to say something. The 10-year-old heard me, and I got shushed. I’m mad at the whole situation. Brooke refuses to tell them “until she’s ready,” and I couldn’t disagree more. I understand her grief. I have lost grandparen­ts and parents. The services won’t be for weeks. I understand she can’t deal with the loss yet, but denying her kids the truth only delays her grieving process and also doesn’t allow them time to grieve and process.

Now Brooke is mad and screaming and crying about it. I’m trying to back off, but I’m angry that her needs are being put first and at being told I made a horrible mistake by offering the love and caring I thought they needed. How can I repair the perceived mistake I have made?

DEAR VEXED >> If you were unaware that your DIL was trying to shield her kids from the reality of their great-grandfathe­r’s death when you spoke out, you did nothing wrong. However, you should have offered an apology to her privately. Back off and lie low until the funeral. Your DIL is not herself right now. She needs time to cool off and regain some perspectiv­e. It would be interestin­g to know how your son feels about the way she’s handling this. With luck, he can smooth things over.

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