Boston Herald

State of the US


In case anyone out there doesn’t understand how bad this country is right now, I urge you all to put on Fox News. I don’t watch this channel religiousl­y but when I want to see what’s actually going on, I watch it. The border is being inundated with people from other countries. We, the people are paying for all this.

Charity begins at home. Illegal immigratio­n is not about humanity. It doesn’t matter why they are here. They are the straws that will break the camel’s back.

Biden doesn’t have the guts to do the right thing. Just listen to the mayors and governors of blue states. They are sounding the alarm. People in Chicago, New York, Florida, Texas, Arizona, now Boston. It will never end until we get a leader who puts America first. WE the people first. If you were one of the people who voted for a Democrat in the past think twice, vote just once for some one who actually cares about you and me.

I too feel bad for innocent people but we have plenty of them already here now. Can’t we try to take care of those rather than new people? We need housing, we need food for our poor. We need to stop feeding in to racial hate, religious hate, all the resentment being sowed, especially by the left, is killing this country. The Constituti­on provides for free speech as long as it doesn’t cross the line into defamation or threats to individual­s or groups.

Don’t believe that because someone has an opinion that differs from your own makes it dangerous. This is America. Savor it, don’t try to amend it. Your truth may not be mine and the actual truth may not prove either one of us correct. But here we have the right to disagree, as long as we don’t cross that line.

Be smart. Our country is depending on you. Don’t vote with your gut, or your heart, vote with your brain. — David Kelly Norfolk

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