Boston Herald

Warren waters down ‘steadfast’ support of Israel

Sen. Elizabeth Warren stands firmly with Israel in battling terrorism and defending its right to exist.


Unless that position ticks off her progressiv­e staffers.

Warren posted on X Thursday: “When it comes to military aid to Israel, the U.S. cannot write a blank check for a right-wing government that’s demonstrat­ed an appalling disregard for Palestinia­n lives. The U.S. should use all the tools at its disposal to condition aid & move the parties toward a lasting peace.”

As Politico reported, the Massachuse­tts Democrat was all-in for Israel right after the Oct. 7 slaughter by Hamas terrorists. In an emotional speech at the same pro-Israel rally where Sen. Ed Markey was booed for calling for de-escalation, Warren said there is “no justificat­ion for terrorism ever” and pledged that America would be a “steadfast ally” to Israel.

What happened between then and now?

A late October open letter by more than 260 staffers from her 2020 presidenti­al campaign. In it, they demanded she call for an “immediate ceasefire” between Israel and Hamas.

The former staffers also wanted Warren to “advocate for de-escalation in the region” and for Hamas to return Israeli hostages. They urged her to “condemn Israeli violations of internatio­nal law and call for independen­t investigat­ions of human rights violations in Gaza.” And they wanted Warren to “support Palestinia­ns’ right to self-determinat­ion” among other longer-term requests, Politico reported.

“We spent months, some of us years, fighting for you because we believed you shared our dream for the world to be a place in which every human being can live in dignity. Your lack of moral clarity in the face of the genocide of Palestinia­ns is a direct contradict­ion of the values your campaign stood for,” the former staffers wrote.

Like so many young progressiv­e protestors on campuses and streets across America, knowledge of what genocide is and isn’t is absent from the discussion. The mass rape, mutilation, beheading and burning of Israelis on Oct. 7 — those are acts of genocide. Every human being living in dignity includes Jews — something Hamas is firmly against.

Calls for ceasefire are aimed at Israel, not at Hamas. The New York Times reported that between Oct. 7 and late last month, Hamas and other armed groups have fired about 12,000 rockets from Gaza into Israel, according to the Israeli government. Hamas has called for more slaughter of Jews.

Palestinia­ns’ plight during this war is real — but progressiv­es never call out Hamas for using them as human shields, or enriching itself while the people go hungry.

This weekend, Israel said it will allow several European countries to deliver aid directly to war-torn Gaza, the country’s top diplomat said Sunday.

Reuters reported that ships from countries including France, Greece, the Netherland­s and the U.K. can “immediatel­y” start shipping aid packages via a proposed sea corridor that goes through Cyprus, Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen said.

That’s probably not enough to appease the anti-Israel crowd.

Warren’s shift from strong ally to critic is in keeping with Democrats’ ever-leftward drift.

Hamas and other terror groups want to wipe Israel from the earth. So much for being a “steadfast ally” Sen. Warren.

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