Boston Herald

Warren & Gaza


Sen. Elizabeth Warren should be ashamed of herself for joining the disinforma­tion campaign that has surrounded the Gaza war since its inception. The facts are quite clear: The Hamas Charter states the organizati­on’s purpose is pursuing genocide. Its strategy is to hide behind human shields at several levels:

First, by constructi­ng a labyrinth of tunnels and storage facilities for its weapons and terrorists with access points in apartment buildings, schools, mosques, and especially hospitals. Tunnels aren’t visible from the surface, which means attacks on them may appear to be directed at other structures or nothing at all.

Second, by starving its own population in the certainty that “useful idiots” around the world, in journalism and government as well as civilians, will blame Israel. Hamas’s objectives require maximizing the death toll of its activities, because that maximizes the support it gets from those idiots.

Third, by seizing hostages to serve as human shields for Hamas’s heroic leaders. The logic is that Israel is less likely to strike if it might hurt the hostages.

Hamas’s purpose, strategy, and tactics are all in violation of internatio­nal humanitari­an law, but the global community has never tried to hold it accountabl­e, so the violations become ever more egregious.

That American politician­s seek to hold Israel accountabl­e for Hamas’s actions is unconscion­able and contribute­s to extending the war and increasing civilian deaths. The best that can be said of them is that they have fallen into a well-laid trap. If they aren’t intelligen­t enough to recognize this, maybe it’s time for new leaders.

Yale Zussman, PhD


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