Boston Sunday Globe

New Zealanders elect their most conservati­ve government in years

- By Natasha Frost

AUCKLAND, New Zealand — After an election campaign of fits and starts, in which neither major party appeared to offer much solace to a weary nation, voters in New Zealand on Saturday ousted the party once led by Jacinda Ardern and elected the country’s most right-wing government in a generation, handing victory to a coalition of two conservati­ve parties.

New Zealand’s next prime minister will be Christophe­r Luxon, a former CEO of Air New Zealand, whose center-right National Party will lead a coalition with Act, a smaller libertaria­n party.

Addressing a euphoric crowd at his party’s victory event on Auckland’s waterfront, Luxon thanked supporters and promised a better and more stable future for the country.

“Our government will deliver for every New Zealander,” he said, to whoops and cheers. “We will rebuild the economy and deliver tax relief.”

The rightward drift ended six years of the Labour government that was dominated by Ardern, who stepped down early this year.

“She’s probably the most consequent­ial prime minister we’ve had since David Lange,” the Labour leader who came to power in 1984, “and, from an internatio­nal point of view, most charismati­c,” said Bernard Hickey, an economic and political commentato­r in Auckland. “But this election is the landmark of her failure.”

For many voters, Ardern and her successor, Chris Hipkins, failed to deliver on the Labour Party’s promise of transforma­tional change. In the weeks leading up to the election, New Zealanders, buffeted by the currents of global inflation and its larger Asia Pacific neighbors’ economic woes, overwhelmi­ngly cited cost of living as the primary concern driving their vote.

The coalition is a return to form for New Zealand, which since moving to a system of proportion­al representa­tion in 1993 has had only one single-party government — the Labour government elected in 2020 under Ardern. But it is the first time National, which last governed alone in the early 1980s, has been in coalition with a more conservati­ve partner.

With most of the vote counted, support for the Labour Party, which won 50 percent of the vote in 2020, buoyed by the country’s strong response to the coronaviru­s pandemic, had collapsed to 27 percent.

The National Party won 39 percent of the vote, up from 26 percent in 2020. Among the smaller parties, the Green Party took 11 percent of the vote, and Act won 9 percent. But those results could shift slightly after

“special” votes were counted, including those of overseas New Zealanders. That could potentiall­y force Act and National into coalition with New Zealand First, a longtime kingmaker that played a role in Ardern’s ascent, to push the right-wing coalition over the halfway mark.

Addressing party members in Wellington, Hipkins said he had conceded the election to Luxon and celebrated Labour’s accomplish­ments on alleviatin­g child poverty and navigating New Zealand through the pandemic, the Christchur­ch massacres, and the White Island volcano eruption.

“We will keep fighting for working people, because that is our history and our future,” he said.

The National Party had campaigned on a platform of tax cuts, saying it would offer relief to ordinary families. Critics have questioned the funding for those cuts, which rely heavily on foreign ownership of New Zealand property, and some have said that they disproport­ionately favor some 300 New Zealand landlords while cutting benefits for disabled people.

The new National-led government, despite being more conservati­ve, was unlikely to make significan­t changes on many social issues, said Ben Thomas, a former press secretary for the National Party. “Nobody wants to relitigate abortion or homosexual marriage,” he said.

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