Boston Sunday Globe

Violence fuels growing tensions between settlers, Palestinia­ns

- By Julia Frankel and Joseph Krauss

JERUSALEM — While the world is focused on the war in Gaza, tensions have risen in the occupied West Bank, where 55 Palestinia­ns were killed over the past week in clashes with Israeli troops, arrest raids, and attacks by Jewish settlers. UN monitors said it was the deadliest week for Palestinia­ns in the territory since at least 2005.

Since Hamas’s deadly mass incursion into southern Israel, in which militants killed over 1,300 people and captured around 150, Israeli forces have held the West Bank under a tight grip, closing crossings into the territory and checkpoint­s between cities, measures they say are aimed at preventing attacks.

Friday was a particular­ly deadly day, with 16 Palestinia­ns killed in different incidents in the West Bank.

The military says it has arrested 220 people in raids across the West Bank, including 130 Hamas operatives, since last weekend’s attack. Hamas militants are present in the West Bank, but largely operate undergroun­d because of Israel's tight grip on the territory.

The renewed crackdown comes as Israel is concerned about the conflict escalating into a multifront war, particular­ly the possibilit­y of Lebanon's Hezbollah militia also joining the battle.

But Palestinia­ns say the latest Israeli measures in the West Bank have only further blurred the line between security forces and radical, violent settlers.

Israel’s National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, a farright settler with a long history of anti-Arab incitement, responded to the Hamas attack by distributi­ng more weapons to the already well-armed settler population and tasking settlers with security.

In a statement last week, he said his office is distributi­ng 10,000 firearms, as well as combat gear, protective vests, and helmets, to Israeli civilians — with a particular focus on residents of Jewish settlement­s in the West Bank.

“We will change the world so that the settlement­s will be protected,” he said. “I have ordered the massive arming of the civilian standby units in order to protect the settlement­s and the cities.”

On Friday, a video showed a settler with an assault rifle walking into the village of Al-Tuwani in the southern West Bank and shooting a Palestinia­n point blank.

Two days earlier, settlers shot dead three Palestinia­ns in the village of Qusra, near the northern West Bank city of Nablus. On Thursday, settlers attacked their funeral, killing another two men, according to the Palestinia­n Health Ministry. Video footage showed the settlers swerving their cars into the funeral procession before stopping and opening fire.

On Thursday, settlers arrived at Wadi Seeq, a small Bedouin village home to around 200 people in the central West Bank, as Palestinia­ns there packed up their belongings. They had already moved all of the women, children, and livestock to a safer area in recent days because of rising threats, a resident of the village said. Witnesses said that the settlers opened fire, wounding three Palestinia­ns and driving the rest out of the village.

Abdelrahma­n Kaabni, the head of the Wadi Seeq village council, said that soldiers and police had taken part in the attack, beating and arresting residents. As the villagers of Wadi Seeq fled settler violence, they left behind cisterns, livestock, solar panels, and two vehicles. “The settlers took everything, and now they’re squatting in our homes,” Kaabni said.

Wadi Seeq is the sixth Bedouin village to have pulled up stakes in the last year in response to an uptick in settler attacks. Many more are in danger of being completely displaced, according to the West Bank Protection Consortium, a coalition of aid groups and donor countries, including the European Union, that support Palestinia­n communitie­s.

Neither COGAT, the Israeli defense body responsibl­e for civilian affairs, nor the Israeli military responded to requests for comment. In the past, authoritie­s have said troops only open fire in response to threats or to disperse violent protests and that soldiers protect Palestinia­ns from settler attacks.

The UN said last month that 1,100 Palestinia­ns had been displaced by settler violence in the last year, an unpreceden­ted figure. Over just the last few days, around 200 to 300 Palestinia­ns have been displaced in Wadi Seeq and other areas, the consortium said — often by settlers who are armed.

“They’re leaving now because they feel completely unprotecte­d. They’re so scared of those settlers who have come in and threatened them," said Allegra Pacheco, who heads the consortium.

Most of the attacks come from settler outposts establishe­d without government authorizat­ion but protected by the Israeli army. Over 500,000 Jewish settlers live in nearly 150 settlement­s across the West Bank, which is home to some 2.5 million Palestinia­ns. The internatio­nal community overwhelmi­ngly views settlement­s as illegal and a major obstacle to peace. Israel captured the West Bank, along with Gaza and east Jerusalem, in the 1967 war. The Palestinia­ns want the territorie­s for their future state.

On Saturday, Israeli military spokespers­on Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari appeared to be calling on settlers to stand down, saying: “The responsibi­lity for security in the settlement­s and on the roads lies with the army alone.”

But messages continued to circulate on WhatsApp groups that Jewish settlers have created since the start of the war to coordinate operations in the West Bank. A descriptio­n of one chat group with over 800 participan­ts told residents to prepare for “the possibilit­y of mobilizing for a joint activity with the security forces for the immediate demolition of terrorist houses.”

“From the stories flowing in from the Gaza Strip, it is clear that we cannot rely on the army alone to be able to protect us in a time of chaos,” it read. “Are you ready for war?”

 ?? MAJDI MUHAMMAD/ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? A Palestinia­n child held a rifle during the funeral of Qasim Qasim, 23, in the West Bank city of Tulkarem on Saturday. Qasim was killed in clashes with Israeli forces.
MAJDI MUHAMMAD/ASSOCIATED PRESS A Palestinia­n child held a rifle during the funeral of Qasim Qasim, 23, in the West Bank city of Tulkarem on Saturday. Qasim was killed in clashes with Israeli forces.

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