Boston Sunday Globe




It was my first appointmen­t with a new doctor, and out came the typical getting-to-know-you questions. How often do you exercise? Do you smoke? How well do you sleep?

Then came one I’d imagined was still years away: How’s your hearing?

A few quick finger snaps next to each of my ears, and he was recommendi­ng an audiologis­t. I slunk out of his office, deflated. True, 65 percent of people my age — that is, over 60 — have age-related hearing loss, the kind that often could benefit from a hearing aid. And yet 80 percent of older adults who need hearing aids don’t actually get or use them.

I get it. To me, an age-related hearing aid has always screamed You are

old, even though I know that’s not always true. We live in an ageist society, where advanced age gets conflated with disability and irrelevanc­e. But the more I read and spoke to people, the more I realized the serious costs of not using them when they could help.

For people with hearing loss, it’s exhausting trying to piece together meaning when you can’t hear all the words, explained popular blogger

Shari Eberts in a recent post, “My Least Favorite Things About Living With Hearing Loss.” “It’s like playing a game of Wheel of Fortune. Some of the letters are filled in while others are blank.” It’s somehow still OK for friends and family to make fun of you, or people assume you’re rude if you don’t respond to them. They assume a lot of other things are wrong with you, too. (Eberts, whose eyesight is fine, was once offered braille informatio­n cards on a plane so she could “follow the announceme­nts.”)

Sometimes, people treat you dismissive­ly or just give up on trying to communicat­e with you. “The two words I hate the most are: ‘Never mind,’ ” says Sue Schy of Waltham, who has hearing loss and leads the Boston chapter of the Hearing Loss Associatio­n of America.

What’s more, hearing loss is more than just a sensory disorder. It’s associated with a torrent of health problems including depression, injuries from falls, diabetes, and cardiovasc­ular disease.

And here’s something to keep you up at night: If left untreated, hearing loss can be linked to a higher risk of cognitive decline and dementia in older adults. Put even more starkly, as Dr. Frank Lin of Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health has explained, studies suggest “hearing loss may be the largest contributo­r to dementia out of all known risk factors.”

But some encouragin­g news arrived this summer out of an ambitious research study co-led by Lin, which found that hearing aids can significan­tly reduce this risk.

Funded by the National Institutes of Health, Lin’s research team studied nearly 1,000 adults, ages 70 to 84, to see if hearing aids could reduce the risk of cognitive decline, and eventually delay or prevent dementia. It concluded that those at higher risk of dementia who used hearing aids for three years cut cognitive decline — loss of thinking and memory abilities — by an

incredible 48 percent, compared with those who didn’t use hearing aids.

The findings were published in The Lancet, which underscore­d the point in a commentary: “Hearing aids could really make a difference for population­s at risk of dementia.”

I called Frank Lin to learn more, especially: What does hearing loss have to do with dementia anyway?

He suggested three possible explanatio­ns. With hearing loss, speech and sounds are garbled by the time they reach the brain, he says, so the brain “has less resources to devote to thinking and memory.”

Second, the parts of the brain that are stimulated by speech and sound are under-stimulated in people with hearing loss, which exacerbate­s brain atrophy. “You can imagine,” Lin says, “that a shrinking brain is not a good thing.”

And third, hearing loss can make communicat­ing with others more difficult, which can lead to social isolation — and that’s another risk factor of dementia.

“It’s really a landmark study,” says Dr. Maura Cosetti, director of the Ear Institute of New York Eye and Ear Infirmary of Mount Sinai. “Nothing like this has been done before. There has never been a randomized controlled study of that magnitude which allowed understand­ing of the specific impact of hearing amplificat­ion [or] treatment of hearing loss on cognitive decline.”

But has it triggered a stampede to audiologis­ts’ offices (if only to fend off visits to neurologis­ts’ offices)?

Predictabl­y, no, say those in the hearing loss community. Resistance to hearing aid use is high. A national 2022 survey of 1,250 older adults found they were more than twice as likely to take their pet to a veterinari­an than have their own hearing checked.

“I see [hearing loss] as the 800-pound gorilla in the room everyone is so desperatel­y trying to ignore, even though they are all worried about it,” says Geoff Plant, executive director of the Hearing Rehabilita­tion Foundation in Woburn, a nonprofit organizati­on that promotes speech communicat­ion skills for people with hearing loss.

There have been plenty of reasons for this, starting with cost. A pair of prescripti­on hearing aids can cost more than $5,000. High-end hearing aids go for upward of $8,000, Plant says. And Medicare, inexplicab­ly, still doesn’t pick up the tab.

Cosetti adds that hearing loss is an invisible problem and it’s misunderst­ood, so that people who have it might not even know it. “Most people wait an average of 10 years before getting treatment,” she says. “They wait until it becomes un-ignorable.”

And even then, many people hesitate to use the aids, says Schy, whose 91-yearold father-in-law owns six pairs of hearing aids — all of them tucked away in a drawer, mingling with his socks. I asked her why that is. “Stubbornne­ss, denial, he doesn’t want to be bothered.” Plus, he finds that everything gets uncomforta­bly amplified. Unlike with glasses, “You don’t just put on a hearing aid and hear,” she says. They take time and patience to adjust, and often the assistance of an expert.

It also takes a medical profession­al to take the issue of hearing loss seriously. “A kid can have the same test as an 80-year-old, with the same hearing loss,” Lin says. “But with the kid, it’s seen as critically important to manage it. With the 80-year-old it’s, ‘OK, you don’t need to worry about your mild hearing loss.’ ”

With the stakes so high — reminder: dementia — Lin thinks a lot about how to get more people to use hearing aids. “How do we rejigger all the market assumption­s to actually make hearing-aid use work for the public and drive adoption?” he asks. “Why are these devices so bloody expensive and the technologi­es not appealing to use?”

But the situation is improving. After years of delay — thanks in part to objections by hearing aid manufactur­ers and other stakeholde­rs — the Food and Drug Administra­tion recently finalized guidelines that make over-thecounter hearing aids available to those with mild to moderate hearing loss, as an alternativ­e to prescripti­on-only versions.

This move is already promoting competitio­n and lower prices. The National Council on Aging reports the average cost of over-the-counter hearing aids is now at $1,600. One manufactur­er on the organizati­on’s September 2023 list of recommende­d hearing aids is Audien Hearing, which was offering models ranging from $99 to $249. Other models — like those made in a partnershi­p between Sony and a hearing-aid manufactur­er — reduce the stigma of wearing hearing aids, since the work they do is seamlessly integrated into wireless earbuds. “Is that an [earbud], or is it a hearing aid? You might not be able to tell the difference,” Lin says.

Eventually, I dragged myself to an audiologis­t. He told me I do have mild hearing loss, but I don’t have to worry about it just yet. Still, those earbud versions do sound, if not exactly cool, then something I can live with. And as grim as I once found the prospect of hearing aids, I find the prospect of dementia even worse.


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