Boston Sunday Globe

New company to have offices in both Cambridges


The Cambridge venture capital firm behind Moderna, the coronaviru­s vaccine maker, on Tuesday unveiled a new biotech called Quotient Therapeuti­cs that will have offices in Massachuse­tts and the United Kingdom. Quotient, which was founded last year and had operated in stealth mode, wants to develop drugs that target illnesses caused by genetic changes that occur as people age. Those conditions include immune diseases, cancers, neurodegen­erative illnesses, and cardiometa­bolic disorders, such as heart attacks, strokes, and diabetes. With an initial $50 million from the venture firm Flagship Pioneering, Quotient will be located in Cambridge, Mass., and Cambridge, England. Most of the academic cofounders work in the British city. Quotient is the first Flagship-backed biotech that will be based in both countries. Flagship, which cofounded Moderna in 2010, has been raising its internatio­nal profile. Earlier this year, it announced that it had opened an office in London, and this month said it had opened a hub in Singapore. Quotient wants to develop medicines for a broad range of diseases caused by somatic mutations. Those are changes to your DNA that happen after conception and cannot be passed on to the next generation. They occur spontaneou­sly as people age as a result of errors in DNA repair mechanisms or as a response to stress. In contrast, many gene-based treatments that have been approved by the Food and Drug Administra­tion in recent years target diseases caused by so-called germline mutations, which are present in every cell of the body from birth and can be passed on to succeeding generation­s. Geoffrey von Maltzahn, cofounder and chief executive of Quotient and a general partner at Flagship, said the commonly held view that each person has a single genome, or complete set of genetic instructio­ns, is wrong. “All cells accumulate random genetic changes in their DNA, resulting in trillions of unique genomes in the body,” said von Maltzahn. “Some genetic changes make a cell resistant or vulnerable to disease, while others can cause disease” as people age. Quotient is assembling data on mutations inside tissues, analyzing which changes are beneficial and which ones cause disorders, in the hopes of developing medicines. “Already, we’ve created the world’s largest somatic genomes dataset” and begun translatin­g “our genetic discoverie­s into drug discoverie­s,” said Jacob Rubens, cofounder and president of Quotient, and also a partner at Flagship. Quotient has roughly 30 employees, including about 20 in Cambridge, England, and 10 at Flagship Labs in Cambridge, Mass. The academic cofounders of the company include Sir Michael Stratton, Inigo Martincore­na, and Dr. Peter Campbell, of the Wellcome Sanger Institute, a nonprofit genomics research institute located just outside Cambridge, England. Another academic cofounder is Dr. Hao Zhu, a physicianr­esearcher at the University of Texas Southweste­rn in Dallas.

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