Calhoun Times

TOBI Says, It doesn’t hurt much


going to the doctor. Nobody likes to have to go to the doctor because it might hurt, or we fear it might be something serious. You think it is minor, and it will be better in a day or so. You will worry about it tomorrow. Thinking a good thought is nice, but it does not fix the problem.

But whether it a splinter, or a piece of metal, or something torn or broken inside, time does not heal it. Until the doctor cleans out the problem, the wound continues to get infected and sorer. Taking some pills masks the pain, but does not solve the problem. Once the doctor does his job, the wound will heal, and the pain will be gone.

Life is like that. When you have said or done something wrong, you feel that pain. Emotional pain can hurt more than physical pain. You try to ignore it. You know that God is there, and you have to face Him. But you put it off.

It is like going to talk to mom when you have done something wrong, and the fear keeps you from owning up to what you did. Once it is admitted, the pain is relieved, and the love is back again.

The doctor and mom are not your enemy, but they are still hard to face. God is not your enemy, but He can be hard to face. When you ask Him to forgive your sin, the wound can heal. He will give you new life. The pain will be gone.

Now your new life is His. You are a child of God. You will always be family. Mistakes or wrong choices will still happen, but He will always be there for you. Do not put off talking to God any longer. Get the right treatment today.

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