Calhoun Times

Board approves purchase of new CAD system for E-911

- By Brandi Owczarz

The Gordon County Board of Commission­ers on Tuesday night approved the purchase of a new Computer Aided Dispatch System for Gordon County E-911.

According to Gordon County Administra­tor John King, the fiveyear agreement with Spillman Technologi­es will replace the exist- ing system. The county will begin coordinati­on with Spillman for the equipment and software installati­on, data transfer and training for all 911 operators during an initial start of work meeting.

“This is a contract to provide software and purchase third party hardware with Spillman Technologi­es to replace our current CAD system,” said Gordon County Attorney Jim Ledbetter. “The package total is $298,292 and includes $96,000 in hardware, $112,800 in profession­al services, $44,700 in third-party hardware and we’ve also purchased an extended maintenanc­e plan for $43,892. That price is going to be spread out over the term of the contract in a leasepurch­ase.”

King gave the Board an update on major projects.

A preconstru­ction conference for the renovation of the Gordon County Government Plaza Building was recently held by Momon Constructi­on and was attended by their subcontrac­tors, Gordon County officials and staff. Constructi­on material and equipment have been ordered. A pedestrian ramp is currently being installed by contractor­s at the front entrance of the building and interior spaces are being readied for the framing of additional interior office space.

An agreement to purchase three new fire trucks is under review by county staff. The agreement is expected to be presented to the Board of Commission­ers at the Aug. 2, 2016 meeting. The procuremen­t will be paid entirely through the 2012 voter-approved Special Local Option Sales Tax revenue.

Design documents have been completed for the Ranger Fire Station and applicatio­ns have been received to fill three firefighte­r positions at Gordon County Fire and Rescue. The advertisem­ent period is now closed and applicatio­ns are under review.

The Board then approved a budget amendment in the amount of $50,000 for the Appalachia­n Regional Trails Master Plan Grant and county match.

The Board also held a public hearing for a rezoning request at 132 Swan Drive in Resaca to rezone the property from A-1 to R-1 for the purpose of subdividin­g the approximat­e 3.17 acre property to add a residence. The Board approved the request.

The next meeting of the Gordon County Board of Commission­ers will be held on Tuesday, Aug. 2 at 6 p.m. at the Gordon County Administra­tion Building located at 101 North Wall Street in Calhoun.

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