Calhoun Times

TOBI Says, A new year is beginning

- Tobi Says

A new school year is about to begin. It is a new beginning for football, for cross country, as well as academics. There are new teachers; some are new to you, maybe a new school, or a new principal. It is a new church year, and new Sunday school teachers. It is a new year for some businesses or other activities that you will be involved in that are new to you.

Have you heard people ask if the glass is half full or half empty? They are talking about how you see things.

The Bible says that, if you are a Christian, you have abundant life. That means that your glass is overflowin­g. It is not half full. He wants you to enjoy life. In Galatians, in the Bible, it says that He gives you the fruit of the Spirit. He gives you love, joy, peace, gentleness, faith and much more.

Visiting the Creation museum, and seeing the grand opening of the Ark reminds us of the adventure that Noah and his family had. It was a new beginning for the world.

My friend Dave volunteers in a program teaching older folks how to use new phones. There are so many things that the phones can do today. They are eager to learn new things. Sometimes he goes back, and has to teach them again. But it is still a special time of learning.

So, as you begin a new year you can look forward to what each day will bring for you. What will you learn today? Who will you meet today? What adventure will happen today? God has something special for you today and everyday.

Let the adventure begin, and see what God has for you now.

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