Calhoun Times

TOBI Says, In case of an emergency


Years ago, the power could be off for several days. It was accepted that it would take that long for the repairs to be made. It may have been storms or snow, or maybe a car hit a utility pole.

Now when a storm is coming, the power company will send out a call to other areas to send extra workers. But still everybody expects the power to be restored immediatel­y. The power will usually be back in a matter of minutes. The power company has found ways to get around the trouble spot. Everybody takes them for granted. In fact, most people are upset if a power truck blocks one lane of traffic now while they are doing preventive work. So they only think about them when there is an emergency.

Some people think of God the same way. Their life is fine. But when trouble comes, they call on God to fix the problem right away. They pray and ask others to pray, expecting God to fix any problem immediatel­y, while some even demand God to do it now for them.

My friend Freddy fixes cars. Sometimes it is an emergency, and he is expected to interrupt his other jobs to fix that one emergency car right now. But trust and friendship over years has developed a relationsh­ip that both parties know when it is urgent, and when it can wait. A relationsh­ip like that is more important than the problem.

The same should be true with God. Your relationsh­ip with God should be the most important part. Yes, you can ask Him to fix the problem that you have, because He is your friend and He wants what is best for you. It is like praying before a test, and asking God to give you the answers. The prayer should be before you study, to learn the material before the test comes.

You should pray each morning for God to direct you and teach you the lessons that you need to learn that day. Then you will be ready for any emergency.

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