Calhoun Times

TOBI Says, Celebrate Labor Day


house being built in your neighborho­od? It takes many people to build a house. It takes many different skills. They build a foundation. Then someone builds the walls. From there it takes plumbers, carpenters and other skilled craftsmen to finish the constructi­on of a house. The workers can be proud of the work that they have done. It feels good to finish a project together. When it is done, they have a beautiful new house for a family to live in together. The family adds pictures and other personal items that make it a home.

A gift is something different. A gift is something that you give to someone. It may be a birthday gift, a Christmas gift, a wedding gift or maybe an “I love you” gift because you care about someone.

That person must receive the gift. Have you offered someone a piece of candy, and they said no thank you? It may be because they do not like that kind of candy, or may be that they cannot eat candy or some other reason. Either way it is their choice to say yes or no.

The Bible talks about this subject in the Book of Romans. In chapter 6, verse 23, it says, “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”

Because of sin, each person deserves death. It has been earned. But nobody wants those wages.

But God has a gift for you instead. That gift is eternal life. But like any gift, it must be received. Some people choose to say no to God’s gift. It may be because of pride, or some other reason, but it is their choice.

So on Labor Day, think about the work you do. Be proud that you can and do work for something. Enjoy your wages. But then be sure that you have received God’s great gift for you. Do not be one of those that has chosen to make excuses. That would be sad. He has offered the best “I love you” gift ever. Receive it today.

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