Calhoun Times

Jerry Smith


The Evil in the world: From whence comes the evil we humans inflict on fellow humans in life. The stories of evil are as old as the human race itself. The context of my use of the word evil goes beyond wrongs we do. I use the word in reference to torture, pain, suffering and even death inflicted by one person on another or on a whole race or nation. The examples in history are too numerous to list. We learn from the Bible how evil abounded in the ancient world. God destroyed the world with the great flood (notwithsta­nding the denial by the skeptics of the world) because of the evil being inflicted in the world.

The Holocaust (the systematic destructio­n of six million European Jews by Hitler and the Nazis before and during World War II) is a story of extreme horror and sadness. Likewise, the treatment of Native Americans in the early history of the United States is a story extensive with inhuman treatment of a race of God’s creation. And is there anyone in modern America inclined to attempt to justify the slavery our ancestors inflicted upon African Americans and the terrible conditions under which they were forced to live (possibly exist would be a better word).

On an everyday basis, we are told of mass shootings in schools, churches and on streets as depraved persons without regard to human life and the pursuit of happiness murder and wound innocent beings

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