Calhoun Times

Jerry Smith


practice end.”

We have experience­d this “annual madness” for a couple of weeks now. The new time is putting me to bed much later than normal. This old man can’t take it much longer.

Glennese “Neesie” Rogers – A great friend:

Over the years there have been many references and discussion­s in this column of people with whom I have known and associated with in life. Then there has been columns written about who have made a great impact upon our lives and offered great influence and direction to our community.

Last week, I attended the funeral of a wonderful lady who had graced her hometown for some 83 years. I will use the life and passing of Glennese Rogers as the motivation to make comments about the person who sat two seats in front of me in nearly every class during our high school years. Also, I use those events to encourage every student in school in this present time to purchase a School Annual each year. In addition to buying the annual, let me recommend that you guard those books with tenacity. They will mean so much in years to come.

As I sit in my study, I am looking at the CHS annual published in my freshman year. In front of me on my desk is my Florida Christian

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