Calhoun Times

TOBI Says, Happy Birthday to the United States of America!


July 4th is the day our country celebrates its birthday. This is a great country, and many people from all over the world want to come and live here.

Throughout our history, countries from around the world have called on the United States in their time of trouble. The U. S. has always been the country that has answered each call.

The United States was not a Christian country, but it was founded on JudeoChris­tian principles. Many of the early settlers came here to be able to worship God in any way they chose. Freedom to worship, to have liberty, and to pursue their dreams was a major force in the founding of this country.

Churches have led the way in many activities throughout the years of growth here. The churches started the first schools and colleges to educate the population. They started the first hospitals and orphanages to care for many in need. They started rescue missions and shelters to care for those facing tragedies in their lives.

Christian groups are always the leaders in providing finances and supplies when there are disasters. Last year, when the hurricane hit Puerto Rico, there were so many supplies given that they were told to stop sending them until those at the docks could be distribute­d to make room for more.

Christians realize that there are physical needs. But they also know that the spiritual need is the most important. God sent His Son, Jesus, because of His love for each individual. This was to make a way for each person to know the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal way to have forgivenes­s of sin and promise of heaven.

Enjoy the Fourth of July. Enjoy the great benefits of this great country. Enjoy the history of the growth of this country. And be sure to thank God for all He has done for you and your country.

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