Calhoun Times

Energy and our bodies, part 2


Last time, I talked about how our bodies are made up of energy. This time let’s talk about why that is important to our health.

I worked in electronic­s for years. I taught the electricit­y and electronic­s at the high school level, the college level and in the military. So I’m familiar with how energy works.

What if the energy gets blocked or impeded? Sometimes a fuse blows to protect a circuit when too much energy flows, or if there is no fuse, sometimes a wire will burn through. Sometimes contacts become dirty. Sometimes it’s because somebody mistakenly changed a switch.

These same sorts of conditions can happen in the human body. Our body is designed to protect itself autonomous­ly at some levels. Have you ever seen someone faint when they see something that is simply too frightenin­g? Or how about how when people are exposed to something so horrible that their mind blocks out that memory? These occurrence­s are like blown fuses or tripped breakers: they stop energy flow to certain areas, to protect our minds.

What about dirty contacts? We can have emotional or mental ideas that may not totally stop the energy but do slow it down. Maybe you have a fear of flying, so to make it through the flight you “selfmedica­te” with alcohol. Perhaps you are a runner, and you’ve plateaued — just can’t get past that threshold of speed, no matter how hard you try. The fear of failure may be keeping you from getting better. Or perhaps PTSD from a rape, a close brush with death or trauma during military service keeps you from doing things like driving a car, shopping in a mall or even leaving the house.

Occasional­ly what happens is a re-routing of energy — flipping a switch — such as when we are in a life-threatenin­g situation and our body changes the path of energy flow. Imagine one of our ancestors being faced down by a hungry saber-toothed tiger. More blood flow went to her muscles, to enable the “fight-or-flight” action, and blood went away from her digestion because the body knows that, at that point in time, it’s more important to be safe than to digest that food. Your body may even decide to “get rid” of the food, because it’s extra weight in the stomach and can’t be digested right away.

It’s great that, in today’s modern society, we are seldom faced with being eaten by a tiger or run down by a rhinoceros. Unfortunat­ely our minds usually apply the same stuff to modern stressful situations: being confronted by an angry boss, facing an impossible-to-meet deadline or running late for an important appointmen­t. Even worse, sometimes these reactions in the body tend to linger on, even after the stressful situation has passed ... especially when we face several stressful situations over a relatively short period of time. And this is not good for your mind nor your body.

Energy therapies (Reiki, EFT and various other techniques) are all about working with the energies in the human body, to help the body return to health, or to maintain good health, whether that is physical health or mental/emotional health. And don’t forget, your mental and emotional health impact your physical health. Tension headaches, back pain, ulcers, rashes and many other physical ailments can have their roots in emotional or mental distress.

These energy therapy methods act to restore proper balance of the energies in the body, to make sure it is flowing where it should go and not where it shouldn’t. By doing this people have seen results, such as:

Speedier physical healing of wounds and other ill-health issues;

Relief from physical pain;

Freedom from painful memories that can cause physical and/or emotional pain;

Freedom from phobias and fears that hinder us from doing what we wish to do;

Releasing beliefs that are holding us back from achieving our best;

Overcoming bad habits such as smoking, overeating and nail-biting;

And more.

By the way, energy therapy of any kind is NOT intended to replace nor supplant convention­al medical care. Rather, it is intended as a complement­ary therapy to aid in healing, alongside traditiona­l medical practice.

Sometimes energy therapy can work without convention­al medicine. I’ve used Reiki to relieve muscle pain, headaches and upset stomachs, for example, without taking any medicine, and Reiki treatments to my shoulder gave me total healing, and kept me out of the operating room, for a torn rotator cuff.

But a legitimate, ethical therapist will never tell you to abandon your physician or medicine; rather, he or she will advise you to consult with your doctor and ask him or her what would be best, and to verify any results you may experience.

If you are interested in seeing what energy therapy can do for you, feel free to contact me, or some energy therapist closer to you. I’ll be happy to discuss your needs with you and make recommenda­tions based on that discussion.

What do you have to lose?

 ??  ?? Burton

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