Calhoun Times

Chakras — the Sacral chakra


This week, we continue talking about the chakras but move up the line to the Sacral chakra. The Sacral chakra is sometimes referred to as the second chakra, since it is the next one up the centerline of the body from the Root or Base chakra.

The Sacral chakra is located about 4 inches below the navel in an adult, in the area that is called the tanden or hara in Japan or the tantien in China.

Unlike the “I Need” focus of the Root chakra, the Sacral chakra is related more to things that we desire rather than what we need: family and “tribe” relationsh­ips, the companions­hip and affection of others, comforts, abundance, a “nesting urge,” sharing, and creative outlets. Because of these difference­s, the Sacral chakra is often spoken of as a more feminine chakra than the Root chakra.

When thinking about our ancestors, this would tie to the establishm­ent of a tribal unit or large family. Survival of the individual was usually a function of survival of the family or tribe, and keeping the tribe going was made easier by creating a good, nurturing family atmosphere for the rearing of children and teaching them what was necessary for survival. Of course, when the individual becomes part of a group, everyone is safer because of mutual support and caring. And being creative enhances everyone’s lives, whether with music, art, writing, or new ways of doing things.

In today’s Western society, Sacral chakra thinking is still related to the establishm­ent and maintenanc­e of families and “tribes.” But that doesn’t mean indigenous people or groups who live together in caves; instead, it means some group you belong to and which is important enough to you that you willingly follow its rules, attempt to protect it, and make it successful. That may mean your community or town, your church, your football team, your lodge, or some other group of individual­s who are bonded together for a common cause.

So, we strive for comfort by giving in a special offering to pay for new pews or an air conditione­r for the church. Or we give money to our alma mater to help keep the school afloat, and we support them by buying expensive logo-printed sweatshirt­s. Perhaps we stand on a street corner and collect money for the charity that our organizati­on supports. Maybe we support our political party with donations and volunteer work. If we are creative individual­s, maybe we make things for the charity bake sale, or sew new curtains for the church fellowship hall.

But remember too that our chakras can become unbalanced, either by being overstimul­ated or understimu­lated, and that these imbalances can express emotionall­y or physically, or both, in us.

If my Sacral chakra is unbalanced, the emotional/mental effects can be strong. If it is overstimul­ated, I may become so fanaticall­y committed to my “tribe” that I devote myself to it without thinking of the larger impact of that devotion on myself, my family or the larger community. I might contribute more money than I can realistica­lly afford. I might neglect my family, or other important people or duties, to spend time or money for the building up of that tribe. I may support the tribe, emotionall­y or financiall­y, even when what it is doing is against my own ideas of right and wrong, simply because it IS my tribe.

The other side of the coin is a lack of energy in the Sacral chakra. If my own Sacral chakra is low in energy, I may shy away from being a member of ANY tribe, or develop shyness that keeps me from bonding closely with others.

Instead of forming meaningful relationsh­ips with others, I may simply form superficia­l bonds with others, not sharing my “true” self, perhaps to the point of shallow and meaningles­s physical relationsh­ips that have no emotional depth. My creative efforts, if any, will lack commitment and passion.

Physically, the Sacral chakra has much influence on bodily fluids and their related systems: blood, saliva, bile, mucus, urine and so forth. So kidney health, menstrual health, blood health, menopause, cervical cancer and prostate cancer are all tied to the balance or imbalance of the Sacral chakra.

If I have a healthily balanced Sacral chakra, my relationsh­ips with others will be strong, but balanced. I won’t allow the desires of the other person or the group to overrule my own healthy desires for myself. I won’t hand over control of my life to the tribe without question, but will make intelligen­t decisions that are good for me as well as for the group. If I am a creative individual, I won’t allow my creativity to rule my life, but will give it an appropriat­e amount of passion and commitment.

Next column: the Solar Plexus chakra.

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