Calhoun Times

Ga. unemployme­nt continues tracking down

- By Dave Williams

Capitol Beat News Service

Initial unemployme­nt claims in Georgia fell again last week as the jobless rate declined throughout the state.

Out-of-work Georgians ILOHG ILUVW WLPH XQemployme­nt claims last week, GRZQ IURP WKH SUHYLRXV week, the state Department of Labor reported Thursday.

Meanwhile, the unemployme­nt rate fell in all of Georgia’s Metropolit­an Statistica­l Areas (MSAs) and regions. Statewide, joblessnes­s in 0D\ GHFOLQHG WR

“These positive indicators are promising for Georgia’s job market,” state Commission­er of Labor Mark Butler said. “I believe we are beginning to stabilize our economy, allowing Georgians to again focus on employment and spending.”

The improving jobs numbers follow several months of highly volatile economic performanc­e statistics. After posting the lowest unemployme­nt rate in Georgia history early this year, the business lockdown resulting from the coronaviru­s pandemic forced the state’s jobless rate to a record high.

As the economic downturn deepened, the labor department processed more WKDQ PLOOLRQ LQLWLDO XQemployme­nt claims during a 14-week period beginning in mid-March, more than during the last seven years combined. More than 1 million were determined to be valid.

Since mid-March, the most LQLWLDO FODLPV E\ IDU ±

— have come from the accommodat­ion and food services job sector. The health and social assistance sector has acFRXQWHG IRU FODLPV followed closely by retail trade with 308,934 claims.

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