Calhoun Times

To wear or not to wear ... that is the question


OK. I have been trying to wrap my brain around all this hullabaloo about whether to wear a mask or not. I mean, what is so hard about all this?

Since when did wearing a mask to protect others and yourself from catching a possibly deadly virus to you and those around you become so difficult a decision?

I grew up in a home where education and scientific facts were the norm, like the world is mainly water and rainbows were reflection­s off water, or always keep two feet on a ladder. We were also taught some things were facetious, like walking under a ladder brings bad luck or following a rainbow can make you rich ... two pieces of informatio­n about the same thing, but only one was a fact.

In comparison, “Wearing a mask prevents pregnancy” — a lie. “Wearing a mask prevents the spread of COVID-19” — a fact.

Some human beings tend to be easily led by events they can’t explain. This pandemic is one of them. Back in ancient times, an eclipse of the sun was thought to be some form of magic or evil, depending on your frame of mind. I

t was later learned that if you looked directly at the sun without protective lenses, your eyes could be damaged. This is true and glasses should be worn. This is not evil. This is science.

Whenever anything catastroph­ic happens, there are those who come out with the “end of times” or “end days” theories. I can’t tell you how many times someone has somehow gotten enough publicity to warn that the world on a certain day will end and the bad folks will be left behind and the good folks will go to heaven or wherever. This type of pronouncem­ent has been going on for centuries.

So far, no one has gotten the right day. Let’s get back to the mask wearing dilemma. Dr. Anthony Fauci, the top infectious disease expert in the world, has said that three things will suppress the spread of COVID-19: Wear a mask, keep a safe distance at least 6-10 feet, and wash your hands often.

This is easy, so why have certain people become defiant when it comes to these safe guards, especially wearing a mask?

A bunch of conspiracy theories have come about to debunk the wearing of masks. There’s the 5G theory, which, in a nutshell, proclaims that a tiny antenna is in the metal part of a mask so that ... the government, demons, aliens from Mars ... can track a person or can make them sick. Really? People in their right mind believe this? What is wrong with them?

Then there is the Bill Gates theory that he has something to do with this from a 2015 interview when Ebola was rearing its ugly head. He mentioned something about a future pandemic, and there you have it. Bill Gates and his philanthro­py work has helped millions of people throughout the world. His nonprofit has brought health care to impoverish­ed areas and has given aid to education and disease prevention to all parts of this planet. Bill Gates is one of the good guys.

Another is that COVID-19 doesn’t really exist. I’m scratching my head on this. Tell this to the millions of people throughout the world who have had this or have lost a loved one because of it. Tell that to people right here in our own back yard who have had it, are fighting it now, or had loved ones pass away from it. This virus is real and if you believe this conspiracy theory, you need to do some research.

Or there’s this one that boggles my brain. The virus is being manipulate­d by a deep state in which Dr. Anthony Fauci is a secret member. Why the heck would anyone believe this? Dr. Fauci has served under six presidents before the current one and has helped millions of people overcome AIDS and other illnesses. Get a grip, people.

It has been proven over and over that masks work. They aren’t harbingers of something dreaded or evil. They protect human lives. Isn’t that enough to convince people to wear it when out in public? Are some people so easily led that they believe these unbelievab­le conspiracy theories?

My question is ... how many people wear seatbelts now when at one time no car had seatbelts? How many people have the safest car seats for their children when at one time this law (yes, law) did not exist? How many wear shirts and shoes as a requiremen­t in places of business?

So why not wear a mask? This is a simple task to help save lives. If you care about your fellow man, you will wear a mask.

And another thing ... just be thankful your medical person wears a mask to protect you. I don’t see the difference.

 ??  ?? Brooks

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