Calhoun Times

TOBI Says: Caution, are you ready?


The red light means stop. If you approach a green light and it turns yellow, you must make a choice. The yellow (or caution) light means change is about to happen.

A driver has to decide or make a choice. One driver hits the gas to get past before the light can change. The other driver decides to slow down and prepare to stop.

School is about to start. In the spring, the red light happened and all school activities stopped. The green light is about to appear. But before school starts, the yellow or caution light gives the warning.

The school system has some changes that need to happen. Some are for the staff, some are for the teachers and some are for the students. These rules are caution lights for the safety for all those involved. Nobody likes to make or follow rules.

What happens now is up to you. Change is hard. You choose your attitude and how things will go. So get ready for the changes now. Remember everybody is adjusting to the changes.

Life has lights also. You will have to make some decisions about the caution lights or events that happen in your life.

Caution lights can be health issues that tell you something is about to change. There are other storms in life that warn you to be prepared.

God gives people warnings. He wants everybody to be prepared. The caution light for you is the time you examine your life. God wants to change you.

He gives you the choice, but only you decide the answer to him. Are you prepared?

 ??  ?? Tobi

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