Calhoun Times

TOBI Says: I said no.


What do you do when mom says no? Most young people get mad. How do you feel? Nobody likes to be told no. You have seen kids in the store throw a fit when the parent tells them no to candy at the checkout. It is not a pretty sight.

It happens other places also. No answer mom gives to try to explain the reason satisfies the child.

The mad feelings overcome the facts in the issue. Many children seem out of control.

This happens to adults also. People want to have their way all the time. When you see the news, there are many examples to illustrate this point.

Two ladies want the same item, and they start yelling at each other. Two drivers fight over an open parking spot.

Road rage is getting worse. Instead of yelling or honking their horn, drivers attack and even use guns now. The violence is getting worse. People are using guns to get their own way.

Christians know about these things. The Bible gives rules or ways to do things. Most of the time, the people get mad. Their feelings take control and say and do things that they know are wrong. But they take the wrong action anyway. Those choices bring consequenc­es. They can be costly. The parents wants what is best for the child. But the child does not always believe or agree with them.

The Christian knows that God knows best and has the correct plan. But they also make some wrong choices when their feelings take over, and they will have to answer for what they do.

You have to think about the truth. Before you act, you need to follow the facts and not just how you feel.

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