Calhoun Times

TOBI Says: Are You Mr. Monk?


Mr. Monk was a detective on a television show. He was usually laughed at by the people that met him.

He had many phobias. Phobias are fears that can cause you to act different. They seem silly to most people,.

His job was to solve the mystery. He had to follow clues to reach the goal. Sometimes the clues took him in a different direction than the logical choice. Those around him laughed, and did not understand where he was going. But they respected his opinion, because they knew he what he was doing.

Sometimes he followed their suggestion­s, and ended up at a dead end. He had to go back and try a different way. In the end, he always solved the mystery. His explanatio­n was very logical, and they knew he was right.

This is like a maze. There are many pathways that will all move you along to get through. But most of them lead to dead ends. You will have to retreat, and try another way. At the end, when you look at the maze from a higher point, it is easy to look down and see the correct way to follow.

The life of a Christian is like this also. The Christian path of life has many choices. Sometimes they look good. Sometimes even well meaning friends and teachers point you in a path that will lead to a dead end.

The Bible is that correct path all the time. Those side trips may teach you some lessons, even though they were a wrong choice. Hopefully you learn to not go down that path the next time you face that choice.

A friend of mine recently told his story. He had followed some friends and leaders, and he learned that good intentions or logical ways did not always get you the right way.

So how do you know what to do? You should look to the

Bible. The Bible gives examples of many men and women, and the lessons that they learned. Those examples are for you to use to make better choices for yourself.

You can look back at your life, and see times where you got off the path, and had to learn a lesson the hard way. The answer was always to go back to the Bible and see God’s way.

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