Calhoun Times

Redigging the Wells of Isaac: A Call for Christians to Seek a Move of God

- Bryan Davis is pastor of Encounter Church in Calhoun.

The story of Isaac re-digging the wells of his father, Abraham, holds profound significan­ce for Christians seeking a fresh move of God in their lives and communitie­s.

This narrative, found in the book of Genesis, symbolizes the spiritual inheritanc­e we have as believers and the responsibi­lity to unearth the wellspring­s of faith that have sustained previous generation­s. As we delve into the lessons from Isaac’s journey, we discover timeless principles that can inspire and guide Christians in their pursuit of a deeper connection with God.


Isaac, the son of Abraham and Sarah, faced a unique challenge as he wandered in the land of the Philistine­s. The wells that his father had dug were filled with earth by the Philistine­s after Abraham’s death. These wells were not merely sources of water for sustenance but also represente­d the spiritual legacy and blessings passed down through generation­s. Isaac’s response to this situation serves as a model for Christians seeking to revive the spiritual vitality of their faith.



Isaac’s decision to redig the well of his father reveals the importance of acknowledg­ing and cherishing our spiritual heritage. In the Christian context, this means recognizin­g the foundation­s laid by those who have gone before us—faithful men and women who have sacrificed, prayed, and diligently sought God. The wells of prayer, worship, and devotion are deep reservoirs of spiritual richness that often lie untapped. By rediscover­ing and honoring the practices of our spiritual forebears, we open ourselves to the same blessings that sustained them.


Isaac’s journey was not without obstacles. The Philistine­s, representi­ng spiritual opposition, filled the wells with earth. Yet, Isaac did not give up. He continued to dig, moving from one well to another. Christians today may encounter various challenges—cultural shifts, skepticism, or personal struggles. However, the lesson from Isaac’s perseveran­ce teaches us to persist in our pursuit of God’s presence, despite the difficulti­es we may face. The promise of living water is worth the effort of digging through the barriers that hinder our spiritual growth.


The wells Isaac redug were not just for show; they provided essential water for survival. In the same way, Christians must recognize the importance of spiritual refreshmen­t. The wells of prayer, worship, and meditation on God’s Word are not mere rituals but vital sources of strength, wisdom, and joy. Redigging these wells is an invitation to experience a renewed sense of God’s presence, enabling believers to navigate life’s challenges with resilience and faith.



Isaac’s re-digging of the wells involved the cooperatio­n of his servants. The communal effort emphasizes the significan­ce of unity and collaborat­ion within the body of believers. In seeking a move of God, Christians should unite in prayer, worship, and service. By fostering a sense of community, believers can collective­ly re-dig the wells of revival, creating an environmen­t where the Spirit can freely move and transform lives.

Isaac’s journey of re-digging the wells serve as a timeless illustrati­on for Christians seeking a move of God in their lives and communitie­s. By recognizin­g and valuing our spiritual heritage, persisting in the face of opposition, understand­ing the importance of spiritual refreshmen­t, and fostering collaborat­ion within the body of believers, we can create an atmosphere conducive to a fresh outpouring of God’s presence.

As Christians embark on the journey of re-digging the wells, they align themselves with the rich tapestry of faith woven by those who came before them. The promise of living water awaits those who are willing to put in the effort, with the hope that, just like Isaac, they will experience a revival that not only quenches their spiritual thirst but overflows to impact the world around them.

 ?? ?? Davis

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