Call & Times

How to keep the Russian hackers from attacking the 2018 elections

- J. Alex Halderman

"They're coming after America," former FBI Director James B. Comey told the Senate intelligen­ce committee this month. "They will be back."

In a highly politicize­d hearing, this bold statement drew strikingly little partisan disagreeme­nt. Senators on both sides of the aisle have seemingly reached consensus that foreign agents did try to tamper with the 2016 election and that they are extremely likely to do so again.

The question is: What do we do about it?

While the ongoing Russia investigat­ion has, understand­ably, received massive attention, there's so far been scant public focus on the question of how we safeguard our electoral systems from outside interferen­ce in the future. Responding to the threat of election hacking isn't exclusivel­y a matter of diplomatic intrigue or internatio­nal sanctions. It's fundamenta­lly a matter of computer science: how we harden our election technology through cybersecur­ity standards.

This week, we're joining a group of more than 100 experts on election administra­tion, computer science and national security in releasing a letter that lays out an actionable plan for safeguardi­ng the vote. The experts include tea party Republican­s and progressiv­e Democrats, academic computer scientists and corporate security officials – all united in the view that our nation's rough patchwork of voting security measures is wholly inadequate. One of us (Halderman) will testify Wednesday before the Senate Intelligen­ce Committee on Russia's attacks last year.

This shouldn't be news to lawmakers. In the past decade, cybersecur­ity experts have revealed devastatin­g vulnerabil­ities in every U.S. voting machine they've studied. In 2014, the bipartisan Presidenti­al Commission on Election Administra­tion sounded the alarm about an "impending crisis" of insecure voting technology. In 2015, Lawrence Norden and Christophe­r Famighetti of the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University showed in a comprehens­ive study that the nation's voting machines are largely past their shelflives and deeply insecure. According to a survey of 274 election administra­tors across 28 states, a strong majority of election officials claim they need security upgrades to voting machines but simply lack the resources.

Ten years ago, Halderman was part of the first academic research team to conduct a comprehens­ive security analysis of a Direct Recording Electronic (DRE) voting machine. The study's findings were deeply troubling: It's possible to repro- gram a machine to cause any candidate to win, without leaving a trace. The research team created malicious software – vote-stealing code – that could spread from machine to machine, much like a computer virus, and invisibly change the election outcome. Since then, cybersecur­ity experts have studied a wide range of U.S. voting machines – including both touch screens and optical scanners – and in every single case, they found severe vulnerabil­ities that would allow attackers to sabotage machines or alter votes

This month's blockbuste­r reporting in the Intercept and Bloomberg News show that hostile nations have our computeriz­ed election infrastruc­ture in their sights. And the threats aren't limited to the voting machines and tabulators: adversarie­s can also go after voter registrati­on databases and electronic poll books to block voters, create long lines at polling places and instill distrust in the system.

So why hasn't Congress acted?

One simple answer is that lawmakers need a straightfo­rward policy agenda to fix the system. The new statement from the 100 election security experts provides a concrete road map:

First, Congress should provide time-sensitive matching funds to states to upgrade voting technologi­es, and, in particular, replace paperless DRE voting machines with systems that include a good old-fashioned paper ballot – that is to say, a physical record of the vote that's out of reach from cyberattac­ks.

Second, Congress should call on states to conduct risklimiti­ng audits for every federal race, by inspecting enough of the paper ballots to tell whether the computer results are accurate. These audits are a common-sense quality control, and they should be routine. Since they only require officials to check a small random sample of ballots, they quickly and affordably provide high assurance that the election outcome was correct. As Ron Rivest of the Massachuse­tts Institute of Technology and Philip Stark of the University of California have explained, states can gain high confidence regarding election outcomes by checking as few as 0.5 percent of the ballots in a given contest.

Finally, Congress should instruct federal agencies to partner with states to conduct serious and comprehens­ive threat assessment, and to identify and apply best practices in cybersecur­ity from across sectors to the design of voting equipment and the management of federal elections. This will raise the bar for attacks of all sorts.

There's evidence this agenda can fly even in the age of hyperparti­san gridlock.

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