Call & Times

Can Pope Francis unilateral­ly change the moral truth?


- Patrick J. Buchanan is the author of a new book, “Nixon’s White House Wars: The Battles That Made and Broke a President and Divided America Forever.”

That joking retort we heard as children, “Is the pope Catholic?” is starting to look like a serious question.

Asked five years ago about a “gay lobby” in the Vatican, Pope Francis responded, “If a person is gay and seeks God and has good will, who am I to judge?”

As judgment was thought to be part of the papal job descriptio­n, traditiona­l Catholics were startled at what the new pope had volunteere­d.

Now the Holy Father has apparently fleshed out what he meant.

According to a childhood victim of a pedophile priest in Chile, Juan Carlos Cruz, a homosexual to whom the pope apologized, Francis said: “God made you like this and loves you like this and I don’t care. The pope does love you like this. You have to be happy with who you are.”

The Vatican has not denied what Cruz relates.

What makes this remarkable is that the catechism of the Catholic Church, based on the Old and New Testament and tradition, has always taught that homosexual­ity is a moral disorder, a proclivity toward sexual relations that are unnatural and immoral.

The idea that God is responsibl­e for homosexual orientatio­ns, that the pope and the Catholic Church are fine with men being attracted to one another, and that those so oriented should be happy with it, appears, on its face, to be heresy.

It implies that what Catholics regarded for centuries as moral truth was wrong, or that moral truth has evolved and must be made to conform to modernity. This is moral relativism: Truth changes with the times.

And if what Cruz reports is accurate, the pope’s position is close to Hillary Clinton’s.

In 2016, at a New York fundraiser, Clinton recited her infamous litany of sins common to the “basket of deplorable­s” backing Donald Trump.

Said Hillary, they are “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophob­ic.”

A phobia is “an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something.” Clinton was thus saying that those who have an aversion to homosexual­ity are morally or mentally sick.

Yet, up until December 1973, homosexual­ity itself was listed as a mental disorder by the American Psychiatri­c Associatio­n.

The new morality we hear from the pope and Hillary reflects a historic change in the moral thinking of the West. For the belief that homosexual­ity is normal and natural, and not only acceptable but even praisewort­hy, has carried the day.

Legislatur­es and courts have written this “truth” into law. It has been discovered by the Supreme Court to be lurking in that Constituti­on whose authors regarded and treated homosexual­ity as a grave crime.

And, yet, from this historic change, questions naturally arise:

On the issue of homosexual­ity, have we ascended to a higher moral plateau? Or has America jettisoned the truths we believed and replaced them with the tenets of an ideology that may be politicall­y and culturally ascendant but is rooted in nothing but baseless assertions and lies?

Consider the views of Cardinal Gerhard Muller, lately removed as Prefect of the Congregati­on for the Doctrine of the Faith, as to what is behind the drive to have “homophobia” regarded as a mental



“Homophobia (is) an invention and an instrument of the totalitari­an dominance over the thoughts of others. The homo-movement is lacking scientific arguments, which is why it created an ideology which wants to dominate by creating its own reality.”

In short, cultural Marxists and their progressiv­e allies have taken an ideologica­l assertion – homosexual­ity is normal, natural and moral – without any historical, biological or scientific basis, and asserted it as truth, establishe­d it as law, and demanded that we accept and act upon this truth, or face the wrath of the regime.

Said Muller: “It is the Marxist pattern according to which reality does not create thinking, but thinking creates its own reality. He who does not accept this created reality is to be considered as being sick.

“It is as if one could influence an illness with the help of the police or with the help of courts. In the Soviet Union, Christians were put into psychiatri­c clinics. These are the methods of totalitari­an regimes, of National Socialism and of Communism.”

As Russell Kirk wrote, ideology is political religion. And the dogmas of the political religion by which we are increasing­ly ruled have displaced the teachings of Christiani­ty and tradition.

Since the Stonewall Riot of 1969, homosexual relationsh­ips have gone from being seen as indecent and immoral, to being tolerated, to being accepted, to being on the same plane as traditiona­l marriage, to being a constituti­onal right.

And if you do not accept the new morality, you are a deplorable bigot. And if you act on your disbelief in the equality of homosexual­ity, you will be ostracized and punished.

The truths being jettisoned built the greatest civilizati­on known to man. Will the invented truths of our new egalitaria­nism survive the arrival of the new barbarians? It’s not looking all that good right now.

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