Call & Times

Judge: President can’t block critics on Twitter


NEW YORK (AP) — A federal judge ruled Wednesday that President Donald Trump is violating the First Amendment when he blocks critics on Twitter because of their political views.

U.S. District Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald in Manhattan stopped short in her written decision of ordering Trump or a subordinat­e to stop the practice of blocking critics from viewing his Twitter account, saying it was enough to point out that it was unconstitu­tional.

“A declarator­y judgment should be sufficient, as no government official — including the President — is above the law, and all government officials are presumed to follow the law as has been declared,” Buchwald wrote.

The judge did not issue an order against Trump, and the plaintiffs did not ask for one. But in cases like this, plaintiffs can, in theory, go back and ask for such an order, and if it is not obeyed, the violator can be held in contempt.

Buchwald said she rejected the assertion that an injunction can never be lodged against the president but “nonetheles­s conclude that it is unnecessar­y to enter that legal thicket at this time.”

The case was brought last July by the Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University and seven individual­s blocked by Trump after criticizin­g the Republican president.

Kerri Kupec, a spokeswoma­n for the Department of Justice, said in an email: “We respectful­ly disagree with the court’s decision and are considerin­g our next steps.”

Jameel Jaffer, the Knight Institute’s executive director, said in a release that his organizati­on was pleased.

“The president’s practice of blocking critics on Twitter is pernicious and unconstitu­tional, and we hope this ruling will bring it to an end,” he said.

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