Call & Times

Boston immigratio­n policy protest draws thousands


BOSTON (AP) — Brazilian immigrant Sirley Silveira Paixao sobbed openly onstage in Boston as she described being separated from her 10-year-old son at an immigratio­n rally on Saturday.

Silveira Paixao was one of many speakers at the Rally Against Family Separation, one of two protests in the city attended by thousands. They decried the Trump administra­tion’s policy of separating families who enter the country illegally.

Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren, at a rally at city hall, said the Immigratio­n and Customs Enforcemen­t agency needs to be replaced with “something that reflects our morality.”

She said Republican Presi- dent Donald Trump thinks the only way to have immigratio­n rules is “to rip children from their families.” Congressma­n Joe Kennedy III and Senator Edward Markey, both Democrats, also attended the rally.

Silveira Paixao , 30, said she surrendere­d herself and her son Diego for asylum at the border of the U.S. and Mexico in May. They were detained at a customs and border patrol facility.

When Diego became ill with a 103-degree fever, the boy and his mother were taken to a hospital, where Silveira Paix- ao said she was told he would need continued observatio­n. They’ve been separated since May 24.

“It was just the worst moment of my life,” Silveira Paixao said. “I had impression I would never see him again.”

After pleading guilty in federal court to unlawful entry, Silveira Paixao was released to an acquaintan­ce in Boston where she waits to hear more about her asylum case. She learned her son was being held at a facility in Chicago, and now talks to him on Sundays.

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