Call & Times

No matter the time, feel a renewed sense of purpose

“Behold, I am doing a new thing, now it springs forth, do you not see it? I will make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.” (Isaiah 43:19).


Ayoung man captured the spotlight by sharing his heartwarmi­ng story of triumph. The Texas native was born without ears. There was nothing at his left ear. On his right, there was just an earlobe.

Doctors gave his parents the worst case-scenario prognosis, telling them that their son would likely grow up to be mute – unable to speak or hear. Despite the grim prediction, the tearful parents would not accept that report. They didn’t get discourage­d by the circumstan­ces. Rather, they turned their eyes away from their troubles and turned to the Lord.

So, the boy underwent years of surgical procedures. “I remember going for another surgery and another surgery. It was intense,” the young man reminisced.

Eventually, doctors were able to create an ear canal for the boy. Doctors also discovered that he had an eardrum – a discovery that meant that the boy might have a chance to overcome the tremendous obstacles set before him at birth.

The boy’s story didn’t end in defeat. He prevailed, as the operations were successful. A few years later, the tables completely turned. “Through time and through faith, I had a voice to speak with, and even a voice to sing,” said the young man.

Against the odds, before long, the parents could hear their son’s strong voice singing throughout the house. Both parents loved to sing, so the boy was always surrounded by music. Yet, he didn’t discover he could really sing until he was a teenager. “I want to do this for people who may have given up on their dreams or felt like they are not talented enough or just feel like they can’t do things,” Then, the young man encouraged, “If you just fight through it, anything is possible.”

With amazing vocal capabiliti­es, today, the man is a successful singer and worship leader, using his voice to spread the word of God in the most extraordin­ary way. He’s happily married with a new baby on the way, living a victorious life.

God had a great plan for this man’s life. And the great Creator of the Universe has magnificen­t plans for your life, too, and a future for you overflowin­g with joy, hope and love. God’s grace and mercies are new every morning, and He continuall­y wants to do new, good things for you. He is mapping out a road filled with His direction and blessings.

Regardless of your situation, all hope is not gone. Do not give up or quit on any area of life. For God has a way of turning around the most difficult, desperate situations for your good. In the Scriptures, God turned things around for Bartimaeus, and his sight was recovered. (Mark 10: 46-52). God turned things around for Hezekiah and granted him fifteen additional years of life. (Isaiah 38:1-2). And God can cause a turnaround in your life, too.

It seems as if it were yesterday, as I think back and recall how I was walking around a high school track contemplat­ing what to do with my life. Although in my early 20s, I had already experience­d what it felt like a lifetime of hardships and struggles. “What’s to become of me?” “What I’m up against is too difficult to overcome alone,” I thought, overwhelme­d.

Just then, I heard God say to my heart, “I have plans for you.” I looked up to the sky. Stunned, I uttered quietly, “Lord, I’m the little girl who had so many dreams, but tragedy hit, and I don’t know if I can go on.”

Yet, God said again, “I have plans for you.”

“But,” I whispered, “I have had so many losses. I don’t want to live anymore.”

Yet, God said a second time, “I have plans for you.”

“But,” I answered, “I’ve been hurt so much, and I have no resources.”

Yet, God said once more, “I have plans for you.”

Since that day, I chose to use my experience­s to comfort, support and encourage others. God gave me the strength and what I needed to move forward. I am truly blessed to be able to encourage you, and there is much more to come.

I wonder how many of us think we are undeservin­g of blessings because we have had struggles in the past? Throughout the twists and turns of life, we are sometimes conditione­d to be defeated. The enemy wants to pull us down and assails our minds with, “You’re not good enough,” “Give up,” and “You can’t succeed.” But when the enemy tries to chip away at our self-esteem, let’s remember that we are a child of Almighty God, and are deserving of God’s blessings. There’s nothing too difficult for our God.

So, look beyond challenges and look to God to see you through. Feel a renewed sense of purpose. Then, go forward, secure in the knowledge that His plan for you is a plan of victory. Remember, there’s only one of you. Be the wonderful individual God created you to be. You are so valuable that the creator of the universe designed you himself. You’re made in His image, a person of destiny. “Be glad and rejoice forever in that which I create.”

—(Isaiah 65:18).

Stay encouraged this week. Feel the nearness of the Lord in your situation. He does impossible feats. Thus, let today be a day of discoverie­s and look ahead to see the new things God wants to do in your life.

Catherine Galasso-Vigorito’s nationally syndicated weekly column, “A New You,” has endeared her to readers across the country for over 15 years. In addition, Catherine is featured on television and radio where she inspires viewers and listeners by offering inspiratio­nal commentary, home decorating and entertaini­ng ideas, plus DIY segments. She is the bestsellin­g author of three books: A New You, God Will Do the Rest, and The Open Window. As a designer, her gift lines have been featured on QVC and she is a former Miss Connecticu­t USA.


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