Call & Times

A disease as silent as the fog

Prevent dying from a disease you don’t know you have


It’s a shame when you are slowly dying from a disease you don’t know you have. To boot, what a tragedy if there is a cure.

Anyone can contract hepatitis C. Infection occurs through transmissi­on of tainted blood. It’s rare to be infected today through the healthcare system, as we’ve gotten much better at screening blood products and of course sterilizin­g medical equipment. Today, it is likely the reuse of injection needles by users of street drugs that leads to infection. Some people become infected from getting tattoos or piercings with poorly sterilized equipment. But for baby-boomers, born between 1945 and 1965, it’s believed that hepatitis C was transmitte­d long ago through contact with contaminat­ed blood, before robust infection controls were in place. About 75 percent of North Americans carrying the virus are baby boomers. Estimates suggest that 250,000 Canadians are infected and about 3 million Americans.

A good many of them don’t know it. Just like a thick fog, hepatitis C is eerily silent. It innocuousl­y takes its toll on your liver.

Our bodies are designed to fight foreign invaders. For example, when a misstep leads to a splinter in your foot, your immune system kicks into action.

Only after substantia­l damage is done do symptoms start to appear. Fatigue, easy bruising, jaundiced eyes, swelling in the legs, dark-coloured urine. These are some of the signs that not all is well.

The good news is that hepatitis C can be detected through a series of tests. And it can be treated. Over the past decade, advances in direct-acting antivirals (DAAs) have led to highly effective treatments lasting between 2 and 5 months. The only catch is in the cost of the medication­s, and coast to coast there are different rules about who qualifies for coverage. Generally, coverage is extended only to those with advanced severity of liver disease. For everyone else, the price of the drugs may outweigh the cost of monitoring the progressio­n of the disease carefully.

But how do you know you have these options if you don’t even know you have the problem? The best advice is to talk with your doctor about your likely risk factors. Did you receive a blood transfusio­n prior to 1990? Do you, or did you, inject drugs with used needles? Have you resided in countries where hepatitis C is a problem (e.g. India, Pakistan, Vietnam, Egypt, even southern Italy) and received medical care or vaccinatio­ns? Have you shared a razor, nail clippers or toothbrush with an infected person?

If concerns are high or if symptoms are present, then have tests done. Either that or run the risk of blissful ignorance while your liver takes the toll.

Joseph Conrad wrote, “It is not the clear-sighted who rule the world. Great achievemen­ts are accomplish­ed in a blessed, warm fog.” Let’s hope that is the case for those with hepatitis C who go undiagnose­d.

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