Call & Times

Create order in the pantry


A little kitchen organizati­on goes

a long way

:ith autumn and colder weather around the corner and no end in sight to the coronaviru­s pandemic, many people may be cooking at home more often during the months ahead. %ut it’s hard to get inspired when your pantry is a Mumble of halffull boxes of pasta, expired canned goods and spices that are long past their prime. How can you know what to cook when you don’t know what you have, or if it’s even usable"

Having an organized and uncluttere­d pantry will make trying ambitious baking proMects or cooking up some comforting soups and stews less stressful. :e spoke with profession­al organizers and a food bank employee for tips on how to Tuickly – and inexpensiv­ely – get your pantry in order. Here are their suggestion­s.

Sort, toss and donate

%efore attempting to organize your food, go through everything in the pantry and toss out expired products, said 9ernestine Laughingho­use, founder of $bsoulute Organizing Solutions in :ashington, '.C. $fter that, think about what foods and supplies you’ll really eat and use. Keep those things and donate or compost the rest, she said. 5esearch your local food donation and compost options when Kacy Paide, founder of the Inspired Office firm in Silver Spring, Md., reorganize­d her own pantry, she learned that her neighbors had helped establish a community composting initiative in her condominiu­m complex. Local grocery stores and farmers markets often have composting stations, too.

7he problem of excess food is a privilege, particular­ly now, as the coronaviru­s pandemic has ravaged the economy and caused record unemployme­nt. )eeding $merica estimates that more than million people, including million children, may experience food insecurity in . Organizers suggested donating unwanted – but fresh and edible – canned and dry goods to local food pantries and organizati­ons. 'on’t try to donate expired food or items with dented, compromise­d packaging. “I’ve seen clients insist on giving canned food that’s way expired,´ Paide said. “

Fill shelves back to front

Enormous Tuantities of food move through the storage facilities at Second Harvest )ood %ank, which serves Santa Clara County in the San )rancisco %ay area. Maya Murthy, Second Harvest’s nutrition director, said the organizati­on served

, households last month – double the number it usually serves – including many people who sought food assistance for the first time. Efficient organizing helps volunteers and staff get food where it needs to go, she said, and a backbone of that system is putting items with later sell-by dates at the back of the shelf and refrigerat­or and placing older items closer to the front. 7hese dates don’t indicate when items spoil, but rather when they are at peak freshness, Murthy added.)

Group ‘like with like’

Creating separate zones in the pantry to store similar items together makes it easy to glance at a shelf and immediatel­y find what you’re looking for. Paide suggests categorizi­ng items by use for example, keep baking supplies together, and group pastas and canned goods each in their own area.

If you’re storing more than sealed containers in the pantry, research how the foods interact. Storing some fruits and vegetables together may cause them to ripen or go bad more Tuickly. Murthy doesn’t recommend storing fresh fruits and vegetables in the pantry, because they could rot if you forget about them store them in the refrigerat­or, and keep a small amount, if you’ll eat them, out on a counter in a bowl. More hardy vegetables, such as sweet potatoes, onions or garlic, can be stored in the pantry, though storing potatoes and onions next to one another could cause potatoes to develop sprouts more Tuickly.

Use reusable containers

Matching containers look great for Instagram and Pinterest, but Katrina Green, founder of %adass Homelife in Sacramento, wants to relieve would-be organizers of the pressure of uniformity. %uying matching containers can be expensive and can detract from the obMective of the proMect, which should be to structure the pantry so it’s one less thing to worry about. “It’s about creating a system that makes your life easier,´ she said. %uying containers and then having to take time to take food out of packaging and sort it into containers could have the opposite effect.

Using containers you already have around the house or repurposin­g items, such as cardboard boxes from the mail, is a free and sustainabl­e way to create storage within your pantry, Green and Paide said. Look for spare boxes, and cover them in decorative scrapbook or wrapping paper to make them look nicer, Green suggests. Laughingho­use and Paide also suggest washing old Mars – ideally clear glass ones – and reusing them to store dry bulk goods. Or you can find containers in every shape, material and price range at big-box stores and online.

Create simple labels with paper, tape or stickers to identify what’s inside they don’t have to be fancy or profession­al-looking. “It’s nice when your pantry looks almost like a kindergart­en classroom, because then you can very Tuickly and easily move through your kitchen without as much guesswork,´ Paide said. She adds that you could even write the date you opened or bought the item on the label to easily keep track of freshness.

In some cases, removing products from their original packaging may help save space. Some older buildings or spaces with smaller kitchens may not have perfectly sTuare cabinets, said Patricia Lee and -eanne 7aylor, co-founders of 7ailorly Home, an organizing firm based in the San )rancisco %ay area. )ind containers that stack or can fit into odd nooks and crannies. Paide, who has a small pantry, says she uses little rectangula­r plastic containers from O;O because she “can’t afford to have a really big Mar that’s one-Tuarter full.´

Other items are better left in their original packaging, such as canned, pouched or tinned food, or items with preparatio­n instructio­ns printed on the package,

Laughingho­use said. 1eatly stack them or place them in containers with the labels turned outward.

Create in-cabinet


If you don’t want many individual Mars or containers piled up, Laughingho­use suggests getting some larger baskets or boxes and putting separate categories of items in each one to corral them. 7o tame small items that can easily get lost, such as spices or cooking oils, Laughingho­use, Lee and 7aylor all recommende­d using a rotating Lazy Susan inside a cabinet get a single or double version depending on your needs. $dding extra shelving, such as a free-standing wire shelf, expands cabinet space vertically and makes it easier to stack items. Installing a pullout drawer or shelf on a rolling track is an easy way to make items more accessible this works especially well in deep cabinets, Lee and 7aylor said. Or add large tubs that pull forward.

Every organizer warned against creating new spaces to store pantry items, unless there is an immediate and specific need. Even if you have a storage unit, garage or spare room, loading those spaces up with extras won’t ease clutter and could risk creating it, Green said.

Ultimately, how much space is necessary to store pantry supplies depends on the household what’s needed for one adult looks different from the needs of a larger family, Laughingho­use said.

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 ?? Kacy Paide ?? Clearly labeled containers make organizing your pantry easy, organizer Kacy Paide says.
Kacy Paide Clearly labeled containers make organizing your pantry easy, organizer Kacy Paide says.

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