Call & Times

Biden’s pick for U.6. Attorney General bodes well


The :all 6treet -ournal

-oe Biden promised to lower the temperatur­e of America’s partisan hot house, but some of his nomination­s have not lived up to that promise. One that does is his selection of Merrick Garland as Attorney General, perhaps now the most important cabinet post for domestic politics.

Public confidence in the Depart ment of -ustice has been severely dam aged in recent years, not least the last four, as it became clear that President Trump’s partisan adversarie­s manipu lated the )BI and -ustice Department to try to handicap his Administra­tion. Mr. Trump toward the end of his term also increasing­ly demanded that the -ustice Department be weaponi]ed in reverse. Attorney General Bill Barr re fused and did his best to depolitici]e prosecutor­ial decisions.

The Biden Administra­tion will face pressure from the left to pursue Re publicans who worked in the Trump

Administra­tion, banana republic style, along the lines 6en. (li]abeth :arren called for in her presidenti­al campaign. 9ice President .amala Harris said in 01 she would have no choice” but to prosecute Mr. Trump for obstructio­n of Mustice if elected President.

But Mr. Garland, the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals Mudge whom Presi dent Obama unsuccessf­ully nominated to the 6upreme Court in 01 , is un likely to have signed up for a Mob of political recriminat­ion. )or more than two decades he has been a mainstream center left Mudge with a calm tempera ment and no demonstrat­ed interest in settling scores or legal Resistance.”

Mr. Garland’s experience as a prose cutor during the high crime 1 0s may help balance anti police sentiment in the Administra­tion. His vaunted status among Democrats, who feel he was wronged by the 01 Republican de cision not to seat him on the 6upreme Court, might give him more credibilit­y to make decisions that disappoint pro gressives.

The Biden Administra­tion will still be legally liberal, and perhaps aggres sively so. It’s not a coincidenc­e that Mr. Garland’s selection came a day after the Georgia runoff elections that wrest ed 6enate control from the GOP. 6ome Democrats worried about their ability to confirm Mr. Garland’s replacemen­t on the D.C. Circuit if Republican­s kept their maMority.

Now the Biden team knows there will be fewer checks on its agenda. Mr. Garland also has a record of deferring to executive agencies, which will help him shape and defend the Biden Ad ministrati­on’s regulatory approach.

et amid explosive partisan ten sions, the most important -ustice pri ority is to restore confidence that the federal government’s greatest domes tic powers are accountabl­e and not abused for political ends. Mr. Biden’s choice of -udge Garland over a more polari]ing pick bodes well for his Ad ministrati­on.

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