Call & Times

Nuking the filibuster would have unintended consequenc­es


The biggest Tuestion in :ashington for the next two years isn’t about a single policy or whether President Biden will expose himself to a press conference. It’s whether Democrats use their narrow Senate majority to kill the legislativ­e filibuster rule reTuiring 60 votes in order to ram a radical agenda into law with a mere 50 votes plus 9ice President .amala +arris.

Two Democrats ² .yrsten Sinema of Arizona and Joe 0anchin of :est 9irginia ² promised at the start of the year that they wouldn’t vote to do so. But progressiv­e and media pressure is building on the pair to renege on their pledges, as legislatio­n passed by the +ouse piles up at the Senate door. Democratic Senate leaders are vowing that they’ll find a way to evade the filibuster one way or another.

5epublican­s can see these signs, and on Tuesday 0inority /eader 0itch 0cConnell made clear what would happen if they do kill the filibuster. It won’t be pretty.

³Some Democratic Senators seem to imagine this would be a tidy tradeoff, if they could just break the rules on a razor-thin majority. Sure, it might damage the institutio­n, but then nothing would stand between them and their entire agenda, a new era of fast-track policy-making,´ the GOP leader said.

Don’t count on it, 0r. 0cConnell continued: ³So let me say this very clearly for all of my colleagues. 1obody serving in this chamber can even begin, can even begin to imagine what a completely scorched-earth Senate would look like. 1one of us have served one minute in the Senate that was completely drained of comity and consent.´

+e then explained what that could mean in practice if 5epublican­s responded by withdrawin­g the unanimous consent reTuired for the Senate to function: ³I want our colleagues to imagine a world where every single task, every one of them, reTuires a physical Tuorum² which, by the way, the 9ice President does not count in determinin­g a Tuorum.´

That’s right. A Tuorum without unanimous consent is 5 Senators, and there are only 50 Democrats. If 5epublican­s kept their nerve in opposition, Democrats couldn’t confirm nominees or vote on legislatio­n. The 1ancy Pelosi-Joe Biden agenda couldn’t move any more than if there were a filibuster.

Democrats may think this is a bluff, or that the public would revolt if 5epublican­s ground Senate business to a halt. But are they willing to take that bet"

Democrats shouldn’t underestim­ate how united Senate 5epublican­s would be, and how much GOP grass-roots support they’d have, if Democrats break the filibuster in a 50-50 Senate to federalize 50-state election laws, force mandatory unionizati­on on 2 states with right-towork laws, add two new states to pack the Senate, or pass the Green 1ew Deal.

0r. 0cConnell pointed out the obvious that majorities aren’t permanent and eventually 5epublican­s would be in position to rule the Senate without a filibuster. Imagine what they might pass" 0r. 0cConnell gave a few examples² defunding Planned Parenthood²but for political flavor think GOP Sens. Josh +awley and 5and Paul unbound.

These columns have been frustrated by many Democratic filibuster­s over the years, but the rule exists to protect minority rights and reTuire large majorities for significan­t reforms. If Democrats blow it up on the narrowest of majority votes, they will own the unintended conseTuenc­es.

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