Call & Times

When antiviral pills are approved, mandates need to go


3¿]HU &(2 $OEHUW %RXUOD RQ 7XHVGD\ hailed his company’s antiviral pill Paxlovid as a “game changer” after ¿QDO WULDO GDWD VKRZHG LW UHGXFHG ULVN RI hospitaliz­ation among high-risk groups by nearly 90%.

An antiviral pill that prevents serious illness, to be taken soon after people develop symptoms, has long been understood as a path to easing the pandemic. Alas, the National Institutes of Health and Biden Administra­tion were slow to invest in oral treatments, which is one reason the pills have taken longer to develop than have vaccines and monoclonal antibodies.

9DFFLQHV DUH HQRUPRXVO\ EHQH¿FLDO but as we’ve discovered, vaccine protection against infection wanes with time and against some Covid variants. This leaves older people and those with certain health conditions at higher risk for severe illness.

Monoclonal antibodies have been helpful, but they’re also susceptibl­e to mutations. German researcher­s said Tuesday that Eli Lilly and Regeneron monoclonal­s lost most of their

H൵HFWLYHQHVV LQ ODE WHVWV DJDLQVW &RYLG¶V Omicron variant. Monoclonal­s have also EHHQ UDWLRQHG EHFDXVH WKH\¶UH GL൶FXOW to produce. Administer­ed by infusion, WKH\ RFFXS\ VFDUFH KHDOWKFDUH VWD൵ ZKHQ needed to treat hospitaliz­ed patients during Covid surges.

Enter Paxlovid, which was found to reduce hospitaliz­ation or death by 88% in high-risk groups when taken ZLWKLQ ¿YH GD\V RI V\PSWRP RQVHW 7KH antiviral inhibits the machinery the virus uses to replicate so it’s less likely to be GRGJHG E\ QHZ YDULDQWV 3¿]HU VD\V WKH drug blocked Omicron in lab tests.

Once the FDA approves Paxlovid, Americans who test positive for Covid could request that their doctor prescribe 3D[ORYLG OLNH 7DPLÀX ZKHQ WKH\ JHW WKH ÀX $ERXW $PHULFDQV D GD\ DUH currently dying of Covid, so making Paxlovid widely available could save tens of thousands of lives this winter.

The Biden Administra­tion last month ordered 10 million courses at a cost of $5.3 billion. While the pills are relatively inexpensiv­e to produce, their cost of

SHU WUHDWPHQW UHZDUGV 3¿]HU¶V innovation and is a pittance given their

DSSDUHQW H൵HFWLYHQHVV 3¿]HU KDV VLJQHG a voluntary licensing agreement with WKH 8QLWHG 1DWLRQV EDFNHG QRQSUR¿W Medicines Patent Pool for distributi­on around the world.

3¿]HU KDV VXEPLWWHG GDWD IRU emergency use authorizat­ion, and the FDA has every reason to approve it as quickly as possible. Individual­s who received the drug showed no worse side H൵HFWV WKDQ WKRVH ZKR JRW WKH SODFHER VR there don’t appear to be safety concerns.

As manufactur­ing and supply ramp up, the government may recommend that Paxlovid be prescribed only for WKRVH DW KLJKHU &RYLG ULVN %XW 3¿]HU¶V preliminar­y trial data showed that younger, healthy people who got the pill experience­d a 70% decline in KRVSLWDOL]DWLRQ 7KH\ ZRXOG EHQH¿W IURP broader authorizat­ion.

3¿]HU¶V VWXG\ DOVR VKRZHG D fold reduction in viral load, which suggests it could substantia­lly reduce transmissi­on. Once Paxlovid becomes widely available, government travel restrictio­ns and mandates will be even more unnecessar­y.

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