Call & Times

Dawn and Wendy stay home in the cold, going through memories

- By Dawn Goff

My mom always seemed to know what the weather was going to be based on the sky and her bones. She could tell if the next day was going to be nice weather based on the sunset or if it was going to snow just by looking at the sky. If it was going to be really cold her bones would hurt more then usually.

Now I don’t really know that it was a great talent, or how many times she was right, but as a kid I was fascinated when she was right. Now as an adult I find myself saying “it looks like snow” and yes my bones do hurt more when it gets cold.

Saturday not only were my bones talking to me, so was my skin. I stepped out side to get something off the porch and my face and hands were stinging within in two minutes. That was as far as we went. Wendy shivers from the cold if the temperatur­e drops to 50. I knew she would never be able to handle that cold, even with her warmest coat.

Wendy is a mix breed dog; dad was a poodle and mom a bichon. Both breeds have hair not fur. Wendy’s hair is very thin so it provides very little warmth. She currently has six coats plus a couple that belonged to Tinker Bell. I check out the temperatur­e before I pick out her coat.

Staying home gave me a chance to do a few things I have been putting off. When my mom passed away it took me a year before I could go though her clothes.I separated them into piles for donation, give away, keep and throw away. It took weeks since each one I picked up reminded me of something she did or somewhere we went. There was a closet full and two bureaus.

As most of you know Tinker bell had a lot of clothes too. At last count both dogs had more then 100 outfits between the two of them. Dresses, coats, costumes and t-shirts they had an outfit for all occasions. Plus, they were story book dogs for the library where they would dress in costumes to match the story being read to preschools.

Well, it’s been over a year since we lost Tink and now it’s time to go through her things. I do have a pile to donate to a local rescue or to friends who have smalls dogs too. Most are too big for Wendy but there are some she can use. Since I did dress them the same a lot are duplicates. It’s going to take a little while to go through everything. They had their own bureau with outfits in it and another one in the cellar for holiday outfitst.

We have a lot of collars and leads too. Again, a lot of duplicates will go to a rescue too.

We did get to one meeting last week. At the senior center, a meeting with the Blackstone Valley Community Action Program, regarding the RSVP program (Retired, Seniors, Volunteer, Program). Wendy and I are part of this wonderful group of people. They are always looking for Volunteers. If you sign up with them they will work with you to see what you would be able to volunteer for. There are so many things you can volunteer to do that help someone. Meals on Wheels, food kitchens or pantries, mentoring just to name a few. For Wendy and I it is visiting the Senior Center and our reading programs at three elementary school. Wendy is the first dog to be a volunteer and she loves it.

Have a nice week and if you see us around be sure to say Hi.

 ?? ?? Wendy stays warm in one of her many sweaters.
Wendy stays warm in one of her many sweaters.

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