Cape Coral Living

Spa at Shangri-La Springs

An ancient treatment for troubled times


Seaweed has been used for its therapeuti­c health and beauty benefits for thousands of years—dating back to the Roman and Egyptian empires. Ireland is especially famous for its seaweed bath houses, which rose to popularity throughout the 1700s. Since the 18th century, more than 800 species of seaweed have been found in Irish waters. The west coast of Ireland has some of the most pure, unpolluted waters on earth and supply the most potent seaweed to the spa industry.

Seaweed can be used in many ways. There are many seaweed products for the face and body, such as cleansers, toners, serums, moisturize­rs, masks and exfoliator­s. Seaweed powders and seaweed leaves, which are activated with water and applied to the body, are potent and effective healing treatments. Benefits of using seaweed in skin care include:

• Rebalancin­g the skin on a cellular level and topically; neutralizi­ng the skin’s pH level, which is vital for healthy skin.

• Anti-inflammato­ry properties that have been found to help in the healing of many skin disorders, as well as calming and healing sunburn and other irritation­s.

• High level of antioxidan­ts that fight against harmful environmen­tal aggressors such as overexposu­re to the sun, pollution and harsh weather conditions that can leave the skin dehydrated, irritated and vulnerable to other issues.

• Improving elasticity of the fragile elastin fibers deep within the skin layers while enhancing the production of collagen— both crucial factors in the way skin ages.

• And seaweed has many vitamins, minerals and important nutrients. These substances are absorbed by the seaweed and stored within its cells in very high concentrat­ions. When applied to the skin, they are transferre­d to feed and heal the skin.


There are an array of different seaweed spa treatments and many varieties of seaweed products in use around the world. Some seaweed products may have an unpleasant odor, which has given seaweed skin care a bit of a bad reputation. Quality seaweed products are nearly odorless, and complement­ing essential oils can cut down on any odor.

Another aspect is the feeling of “sliminess” of certain seaweed products—but this is good! Seaweed gel pockets have the most potent healing nutrients.

While seaweed treatments have many benefits, some people should first check with their doctor.

If pregnant, they are not recommende­d until the second trimester. People with allergies to iodine and seafood should talk to their doctor. Other conditions that may be affected by seaweed treatments include lymphedema, hyperthyro­idism, and some post-surgery situations and cancers.

Seaweed also has benefits in body treatments, including:

• Re-mineralizi­ng, rejuvenati­ng and restoring the body’s nutrients.

• Flushing toxins from the body and increasing blood flow while stimulatin­g lymphatic drainage, eliminatin­g water retention and bloating of tissues and ultimately, cellulite. Seaweed can also aid in balancing the metabolism and, because of its iodine content, can help to regulate the thyroid gland.

• Reducing internal inflammati­on, thus alleviatin­g bodily aches and pains.

These ancient treatments are modern solutions to enhancing the appearance of skin and body health. In addition, seaweed treatments can help lessen stress and promote relaxation—perfect for uncertain times.

Michele McKenzie, lead therapist at The Spa at Shangri-La Springs in Bonita Springs, is a natural skin and body care specialist. She has more than 30 years’ experience in facial relaxation and lifting techniques that reduce swelling, increase circulatio­n and release tension. Areas of specialty include anti-aging, sinus relief treatments, facial muscle relaxation techniques and reflexolog­y. More info is at shangrilas­

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 ??  ?? In addition to offering the best organic products and treatments, such as VOYA, the spaces at The Spa at ShangriLa Springs, including the Buddha Lounge, are designed to foster peace and relaxation.
In addition to offering the best organic products and treatments, such as VOYA, the spaces at The Spa at ShangriLa Springs, including the Buddha Lounge, are designed to foster peace and relaxation.
 ??  ?? Based out of Strandhill, County Sligo, Ireland, VOYA’s seaweed crops are handharves­ted without convention­al mechanical methods that would disturb and compromise the natural habitat of the beds.
Based out of Strandhill, County Sligo, Ireland, VOYA’s seaweed crops are handharves­ted without convention­al mechanical methods that would disturb and compromise the natural habitat of the beds.
 ??  ?? Michele McKenzie
Michele McKenzie

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