Cape Coral Living

Ease Stress When Taking Trips

Helpful hints for families heading out for the holidays


As the classic poem—and later, song—says, “Over the river and through the wood to grandfathe­r’s house we go.” While the lyrics sound merry, in reality a long car trip can be anything but. Let’s face it; the little ones get incredibly bored. However, there are ways to make a lengthy excursion a little more fun for all.

“Every year we head up to Michigan for Thanksgivi­ng to see family,” says Susan Henson of Fort Myers. She travels with her two elementary school-age children and husband, Mike. Her tips to ease trip stress include engaging in activities and games, taking along some electronic devices, and mapping out (ahead of time) some fun places to stop.

Non-messy games and activities can include Etch A Sketch, word finders, crossword puzzles, sticker activity books and magnetic board games. Families can play such games as the alphabet game, in which participan­ts spot things along the road to find consecutiv­e letters of the alphabet. From A to Z, look for letters on billboards, road signs and bumper stickers, for example.

Family members can write lists to keep track of who notices the highest number of different license plates. Or U.S. maps can be downloaded and printed so children can cross off a state when they spot its license plate. There are also a variety of games with non-messy or “less messy” parts that are perfect for road trips—such as Travel Bingo and spirograph­s.

Although more and more vehicles now have video players, audiobooks are always a good option that can be enjoyed by all passengers. Favorites with “holiday spirit” include A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, and Hershel and the Hanukkah Goblins by Eric Kimmel and Trina Schart Hyman. And singing along to holiday songs will make any trip more festive.

The American Automobile Associatio­n offers trip highlights, informatio­n and maps at Roadtrippe­ is another option for planning. Find interstate rest stops, with restrooms, pet areas, places to stretch, and vending machines, at interstate­ In addition to using GPS, travelers should check to help with route planning.

It’s best to plan where you’ll spend the night and book ahead of time. When traveling with children, you might consider hotels and motels that offer amenities such as swimming pools and playground­s. That will help entertain them and enable them to get some exercise. On-site restaurant­s, or accommodat­ions offering breakfast, also make things easier.

Remember, littles ones may want to take along a favorite toy or blanket. “And when packing the car, don’t forget the treats,” notes Henson. She chooses ones that aren’t messy, such as trail mix and juice boxes. Whole-grain crackers or pretzels, cereals, and sliced fruit and vegetables are popular. Many children love cubed or string cheese, yogurt tubes and that old standby—sandwiches. Another idea is to pack holiday treats such as cookies, candy canes, chocolate coins, and mixed or candied nuts.

Ann Marie O’Phelan is a Southwest Florida resident and a regular contributo­r to TOTI Media.

Although more and more vehicles now have video players, audiobooks are always a good option that can be enjoyed by all passengers. And singing along to holiday songs will make any trip more festive.

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 ??  ?? Norman Love Confection­s has also created a special, limited-edition candy cane-shaped gift box that includes 10 chocolates from the holiday collection.
Norman Love Confection­s has also created a special, limited-edition candy cane-shaped gift box that includes 10 chocolates from the holiday collection.

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