Casual Game Insider

Fun & Games


Alongside sending out game bundles and uploading podcast episodes, Conway also oversees the Major Fun award, which is part of The Spiel Foundation, as well. The award was started by noted writer, designer, and philospher of play, Bernie Dekoven over three decades ago.

When considerin­g games for the Major Fun award, Conway said the testers evaluate games primarily meant for children, families, or parties. “The idea is that fun is at the core of them, that there’s something sort of almost instinctua­l,” Conway said. “The fun part for me as the reviewer is asking why. I know it’s fun, but why is it fun?...there’s not a formula for it. Part of the fun for me has been understand­ing what major fun is and the more you play, the more it teaches you.” One of Conway’s Major Fun reviews can be found in each issue of Casual Game Insider.

Conway also oversees the Spiel of Approval award, which “celebrates games that encourage thoughtful and strategic play.”

With play sessions every week, Conway and his team of Spielers evaluate hundreds of games each year for both award programs. But despite playing so many new games on a regular basis, and estimating up to 8,000 in his personal collection, Conway said he loves returning to the classics he grew up with, such as cribbage.

“There’s something about those classic games — they’re like a comfortabl­e pair of shoes that you just step into and relax.

You know you can talk and play at the same time and there’s no fighting the rules.”

Conway plans to donate the bulk of his collection to the foundation’s library, where a comfortabl­e chair and a cribbage board will always be at the ready, too.

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